Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch Weak was the only word he could use to describe the Confundus Charm he had casted. Alexa's wand did not like him in the slightest, and Frankie didn't like it either. It didn't feel right, it didn't have the same warm sensation his own wand gave him. Speaking of his wand, the blond watched her slip his right into her holster. That was probably a smart move. He was willing to bet that his wand would like her just as much as hers liked him.
But did that mean his spell would hit her? There was a glimmer of hope, but it quickly disappeared the moment it bounced of a shield. Alexa could do some wandless magic? Well, she certainly had that advantage over him. He was only just beginning to be comfortable with nonverbals, of which he was certain he wouldn't be able to do with whatever kind of wand the Auror had.
Suddenly she was all over him. A look combining frustration and puzzlement was on his face as he tried kicking her off, not caring the slightest at this point if his foot gave her a good kick to the face. Only his feet couldn't move now, and it didn't take long for him to discover that certain parts of his body weren't moving as well.
No. This was not how he was going to go. He was not going to allow Alexa Cambridge to beat him that easily.
As the Auror got to her feet, he uttered "Finite" as quick as he possibly could. He did so three times, red light coming out of Alexa's wand each time, for he was sure that her wand wasn't going to succumb to his command without him forcing it. But he managed to free himself as the wand suddenly flew out of his hand, soaring into the air and landing somewhere feet behind him. Frankie didn't care about the wand anymore. It was useless to him. And he had to save his own skin. Immediately.
He rolled and rolled and rolled. The prefect heard the spell that Alexa had casted, and he was tempted to yell for Hirsch, for him to intervene because the Auror clearly had crossed the line. A Stunning Spell! Those weren't allowed in the Duelling Club, or at least it wasn't the last time he checked. It would have been nice to know if that spell was fair game. He would have loved using it. Not that it mattered now that he was without a wand.
All the rolling he was doing was starting to make him nauseous, but it at least helped him avoid being knocked unconscious. The Gryffindor, however, was unable to dodge the others. As he pulled himself up on his own two feet, he was dowsed in water and then cold air instantly hit him. His dripping robes froze up, icicles taking shape. The colour of his cheeks turned pale and then began turning a light shade of blue. Frankie found that he could move, but it was very minimal as the intense cold prevented him from making any quick and drastic movements.
He gave Alexa one last look before closing his eyes, his teeth chattering and his body shivering like crazy. This was it. This was the end. Goodbye, world.
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