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Old 07-21-2016, 09:09 AM   #37 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
That made more then enough sense to the teen. It was the same way with food. If people didn't like the way it looked or smelled they were less likely to even try it. "It's true but also silly. That's why I don't always want to know what's inside something until afterwards," she answered with a soft laugh. Her father used to never tell her the ingredients of a meal until after she had already eaten it.

Hadleigh smiled at Art. "I'm glad it makes sense. I have trouble sometimes coming up with a way to explain my way of thought." Everyone understood things differently and at times it could be complicated if you were trying to get a point across or explain something that you didn't normally have to. A bright smile crossed her face as she added the last ingredient into the cauldron for her potion. "Not at all. It's a Fennec Fox." If it suited her she wasn't entirely sure but she did feel as if some aspects of the animal were like herself.
"Good method there," Art said with a laugh. "I think it's probably very safe that way." No gagging, vomiting or mess.

"I know what that feels like. Well... y-you seem to be able to adapt your uhh... your approach to different people. A good trait of a teacher." Just to add, inconspicuously. "A Fennec Fox?" Art's face had a huge grin on it. "Say the Fennec Fox is such a... uhh... a lovely looking creature. Have you seen one in real life before?"

Originally Posted by Callie View Post
"Please do," she said smiling. "I can always use the extra money." That wasn't the only reason she liked to babysit though. She actually enjoyed being around young kids. Almost as much as she enjoyed being one.

Speaking of... "You might want to write down that antidote recipe. You know, just in case." And it might not be a bad idea for her to have a copy of it herself in case Professor Newton wasn't around to brew it.

She watched Newton take off his shoes and giggled. "Why thank you. I'll enjoy the company. And I can pick your brain about potioneering on the hike up to the tower." It was a long way, but Hadley wasn't about to say no the company. Nodding to the door, Hadley followed Professor Newton out.
Art gave a nod. "Money is important, definitely. Well... I'll see what I can do," he said with a tap of his nose.

"Of course! Yes, w-well it was a success and all potions should be documented. Whether they work or not. Keep that in mind Miss Denaker, in case you ever get to have a play with some potions you make yourself. That way you can... can improve on them easier. But tha-thank you for the reminder." He jotted some things down quickly, to serve as a reminder of what he did.

Art grinned "Ask away my dear, we have a long walk!" And off they went.

always on the move
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