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Old 07-20-2016, 11:37 PM   #29 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Default Pet Space Rock Extra Credit - Post 3
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Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Juno felt the tingling about 5 seconds before Esme walked in the door. Twin senses were totally real.

Juno grinned from ear to ear when she saw her sister. You would think that siblings wouldn't get along very well, but Esme and Juno were best friends and always had been. "Yes of course! I think we should introduce them first!" She quickly pulled Firefly out of her pocket.

"Firefly this is Esme my Twin sister and...," she didn't know her sister's pet rock's name yet...
Introductions were ALWAYS important because otherwise you would be talking to a complete stranger and while that wasn't the end of the world it was still WEIRD. The same thing must apply to space rocks as it did to humans.

"Firefly is an awesome name!" Esme said as she held out her meteorite so that it could meet its new friend. "This is Rocky." Most original name for a rock EVER. Hehe. Anyway... "Rocky, meet my twin sister, Juno and her pet rock Firefly." And now they could have a little bit of a play-date or something.

Smiling, she brought her rock closer to her sister's. "I think they are talking to each other in their own language." Why not? It was fun to play make believe at times and they were now friends. BEST FRIENDS.

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