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Old 07-17-2016, 01:03 PM   #14 (permalink)

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9. Disapparate

"How cute is Harry in his first set of robes," Lily announced. She carried the little bundle down the stairs, dressed in his white Christening robes. Little Harry was sound asleep.
"Ahh there's my Godson," Sirius said proudly, gently taking the sleeping infant into his own hands.
"How do I look?" Lily asked her husband,
James, himself, looked very handsome in a set of black robes. "Beautiful. Green is your colour." He dipped his head and gave her a kiss.

The Christening was a very quiet affair. Lily, James, Sirius and, of course Harry. Dumbledore had organised for the Reverend of the Parish Church of St. Clementine to perform the ceremony. He, himself, was there. As guest, but also to perform the duty of obliviator. They couldn't let the Reverend be at risk, knowing the whereabouts of The Potter's.

It was hours later, after Dumbledore and the Reverend had left, after Harry was down in his cot, and the adults had eaten dinner. Sirius looked at the clock. "Merlin, it's almost midnight. I better get home. Mary will wonder where I was," he said with a wink.
Lily and James walked him to the door and watched as he disapparated.

always on the move
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