Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<# 1. Accio Lily hadn't moved from the sofa for three hours, except to turn the page. Every time she tried to move, the contractions started to hurt even more.
"Accio pillow," she said. Her big, fluffy body pillow floated down the stairs and towards her. She carefully tucked it around herself, propping her shoulders, neck and head up so that she could see the pages of her book better.
Waking up at three in the morning was never nice, but waking up with a contracting uterus was just plain horrible. She panted through another contraction, placing her hand over her belly. It was coming. It would be here soon. But she had read enough labour books to know that it was far from the pushing stage. She had been watching the clock and noted that there was about 25 minutes between contractions. "It's okay Potter, it's okay," she said to herself.
She unfolded the piece of parchment serving as her bookmark and read the list for the millionth time, reassured that she had done everything except for one thing on her list.
Give birth.
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |