♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Even this far into the term, Jaemin had made a point of sitting near the door. He was less concerned about the woman turning out to be child-eating hag than he had been earlier in the year, but he was still paranoid that she was involved in some sort of long con, and thus... he continued to bypass the cookies. Tugging absently at his hair, the colour of ash today as it had been for a few days because he was getting fed up and tired of trying, he stared at the board, then at his hands.
"Your non-dominant hand is supposed to tell you stuff about your past lives and from your unconscious mind," he murmured, one of his small hands in the air to volunteer the answer. "The dominant one tells you stuff from your current life and your conscious mind."
This was another one of those things that his mom liked. Her big three were tarot, cup reading, and chiromancy... he still wasn't allowed to touch her cards (and had no urge to do so anyway) but she had often held his little hands and looked at the shape of them, and the lines, and all that. He wasn't sure how things were interpreted outside of his own hands, but... he knew some of this, at least.
Last edited by Ameh; 07-17-2016 at 05:26 PM.
Reason: Typoooo.