Harriet was so excited for her third duel. She had really enjoyed the other two duels. She hadn't won, but that didn't matter. She was only a first year, so she was not meant to be good at everything. Her siblings were both good at duelling, so maybe they could teach her. But for now, she was really excited about her duel. Maybe she would do good in this one? A girl could only hope.
Hattie smiled at Vivian. She didn't know her too well, but she knew that she was a good friend. Hopefully she would beat her though. She liked her friends, but she wanted to win. She bent, and bowed. They had to do that. It was only good duelling after all.
And now to start. She wanted to get something out fast, so that she would surprise Vivian. Grinning, she moved her wand, before saying the incantation for the
Furnunculus spell.