½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf This would be awesome for so many reasons.
2) It was Genevieve aka VIVI BRANXTON... uh, James.
3) She worked for his Mum! (unique bonus)
4) She was married to MAXIMUS JAMES, only the best Keeper for the best team, EVER...
And despite knowing he was going to get creamed in this duel, he was looking forward to the lessons he would learn from this experience. At least it wouldn't be a complete shock to his system, he'd had plenty of practice at losing to professionals already... all part of his training of course.
His preparations were conducted in his usual manner, regimented, each action completed with care. His wand was polished, dueling uniform checked, pressed and worn with pride. He was ready, or as ready as he was ever going to be. When Zeke stepped out into the arena to face his opponent, he couldn't help but do it with a grin. Exciting, wasn't it?
Hazel eyes locking on his superior opponent Zeke couldn't help but wonder how well she remembered him, or if his mum had said anything about this duel or him at all... like, did she know she'd be dueling HIM? Did she know he was a two-time champ? Had this opportunity presented itself three or four years ago (before he knew any better), he might have been tempted to threaten the security of her job what with his obvious 'connections', but he wasn't a child anymore... and furthermore, he didn't want his mummy doing him any favours anyway. "Auror James, good to see you... again," he greeted opting for formality as he bowed respectfully in her direction, prior to taking his place at one side of the arena - wand poised. Dueling his peers was one thing, and some of them were quite good, but this... this would stretch him. Strategy was key.
It was show time.
He'd learned early that a good start was always helpful, and to give himself a fighting chance he opted to do just that - start well. Stating the incantation clearly but quickly Zeke cast the Disillsionment Charm on himself before then casting the Arrow-Shooting Spell toward Vivi hoping it would be distraction enough to allow him some advantage however limited that might be. He'd need a better position if he was going to make an impact.
Last edited by Hera; 07-15-2016 at 02:16 PM.
Reason: I can count numbers goodly... mhm