M: 150 h:150 f:150 Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George This year's duels had been rather. . . disappointing, in Mason's eyes. Mostly cause A.) No-show-Spades and B.) Losing. The latter being something that the Slytherin could not abide to.
So hopefully Snog-bird would be her light and the end of this super-awful-tunnel. If he was as good at Duelling as he was at making love-potions, Mason would have this in the bag. She knew that Hirsh had a soft-spot for Snog-bird, but she doubted that that would matter here.
Her usual strut was gone this time round, cause she had failed, and only winners were allowed to strut. So casual-walking it was, her signature-smirk still fully intact as she greeted Hirsh. "Professor Hawt-Hirsh." And said-smirk only grew as she faced her opponent, bowing her head at him. "Snog-bird."
Turning away from him and walking towards her spot in the arena, Mason sent a quick salute to her fellow Slytherin before drawing her wand from her robe-pocket. "You ready?"
He better be, or else he'd be toast after the first few spells. The first of those being a quick Bat-Bogey Hex (which would serve as a distraction) for her next spell. "Expelliarmus!" which was also followed closely with: "Everte Statum!"
Mason let out a small huff and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Let's see him block all of that. |