Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Julien had actually gotten a real patronous and had left to his office. Upon his return he first noticed that the quill and the notebook were gone. Which meant that Blaise did do magic to get out. So the boy would do it alone. He was about to be hopeful that he might have actually done what he was supposed to, but the smell of smoke made the fifty one year old turn and head into the room. "What the bloody..."
It was magical, but he hadn't put it there. He looked around the room for a moment taking it all in. "Why have you not stopped the flames yet? You can produce water." Stubborn boy was stubborn and then his eyes fell on the wall. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Where was Sophia? He would have to look for her in other portraits and hope that one of the framed people had let her in.
He had ENOUGH! "Accio Quill and Notebook" He didn't grab the Quill or notebook though as it sprung from the robes he levitated it right above the flames. "These seem to be very precious to you. So if you want them back you are going to have to stop the flames to save them. You destroyed school property because you are being too stubborn to use your wand like you were born to do. I have been patient Blaise, but drastic measures need to be done." He would request a meeting with the boys parents and request a suspension if this kept up. You can't go to a Wizarding school and not be able to or refuse to do magic.
This wasn't an option, it was school!
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