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Old 07-11-2016, 01:37 AM   #6 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 29,830
♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥

The directions being on the outside of the door took a bit of the mystery out of everything. Jaemin stepped up to it, tilting his head and reading them through three times over, very very carefully. Why did there always have to be screaming... he wrinkled his nose in distaste and, with a sigh, fished his wand out of his pocket. If he could do a spell to make it so he couldn't hear anything, he would soooo do that right now.

Instead, the small boy gave his wand a swish and murmured a soft 'Alohomora', listening intently for the click of the lock undoing itself. He reached for the doorknob, holding onto it for a long moment before pushing the door open and slipping inside the room. The pandemonium inside was... sorta beyond what he was expecting. The electric-blue pixies were flitting this way and that, grabbing onto things and upsetting the already knocked-over cage on the floor again and again. As soon as he'd opened the door, one had noticed, and it came zipping toward him; the small teen flinched, turning to cast a quick 'Colloportus' at the door just in case they actually could open it themselves.

The wicked little thing grabbed at his ear, and Jaemin winced as he batted at it. His ears were... more sensitive now. Prickly little fingers were not welcome, and he was sorely tempted to just grab the thing and toss it back into the cage by hand. But that wasn't really a charm, and he was pretty sure he would lose points for that, so he drew a quiet breath and pointed his wand in its direction as it dizzily twirled in one spot.

"Immobulus," he said, as clearly as he could. It kept twirling, but... it seemed to have gone completely still. Idly the small boy stepped over to the cage and set it upright again; a seize and pull charm put the frozen thing in the cage, and he looked up again at the rest as they flittered and fluttered all around. It was weird how they could fly without wings... he would have to look them up later to see if there was an explanation for that. Hmm.

It was going to be hard to immobilise them all when they were all over the place... Jaemin frowned, tugging at his soft grey hair absently as he considered his options. He could try to lure them, but... how? How were you meant to lure pixies? They just liked to pick on people and cause mischief. So really... the best way to lure them was just to be here, right? The Slytherin frowned and stepped away from the door, reaching up his left arm to wave it about.

"Hey! Hey you!" Two of the pixies immediately noticed him, and came darting down at him; Jaemin groaned and turned his arm to protect himself, sticking his wand right in one of their faces and casting again. "Immobulus."

It flipped backward, away from his arm with the casting, and the other one let out a shriek as he turned his wand to it. The blue blighter tried to get away, immediately pushing off his arm, but a quiet "carpe retractum" caught it and sent it sailing into the cage. In there, it was easy enough to freeze it so it couldn't escape again, and he 'carpe retractum'd the other stunned one into the cage.

Sigh. Seven more. This was SO MANY. Why did it have to be so many. Jaemin dutifully stepped away from the cage again, and waved his arms, and waited for more to come at him. It seemed like a good enough plan... until five of the remaining pixies shot down at him and grabbed hold of his sleeve rather viciously. They tugged, rather hard, and the small Slytherin let out a yelp as his feet separated from the floor. NOPE. NOOOOOOPE. Small boy did not like flying AT ALL and these pixies would NOT be taking him away from sweet solid mother earth.

"R-Rictusempra!" he managed, slashing his wand at the pixies on his arm. They let go almost immediately, giggling their little high-pitched giggles and clutching at themselves, and the small Slytherin staggered a bit as his feet settled back on the floor properly. With them incapacitated by tickles, it was easy enough to cast a quick 'Locomotor Pixies' at them to send them into the cage with the rest, and he slammed the door behind them.


There were still two left... Jaemin chewed on his lip and pointed his wand up at them as one grabbed the other and tugged at its arm. Almost whispering, he cast "Confundus" upwards, hoping it worked well enough. It caught them both, thank Merlin, and they stayed where they were, looking around as if they were surprised. The second year blinked, surprised that had actually worked, and cast another "Carpe Retractum" up at them. The creatures in the cage were still giggling hysterically, but they jumped at the door as he opened it to push the last two in; doing his best not to swear, because swearing was bad especially in this environment, Jaemin pushed them all inside and slammed the little door shut.

Would a colloportus work on this door, too? Since it was technically a tiny door? Jaemin shrugged and cast it anyway, just to give it a bit of extra hold, and then stuck the cage to the floor with a permanent sticking charm. Hopefully nobody needed to take the cage out of this room any time soon... or ever. Giving the thing an experimental shake, he shrugged and made for the door, leaving the cage of frozen, confused, and giggling pixies behind. Another cast of Colloportus on the door after he exited, and he was dooooone.
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