Baron Caterpillar Mischievous Niffler "Oh I didn't know that." All this time Kitty had always assumed that if you were good with transfiguration then you would never have to worry too much about being somewhere without food as you could always transform something into food. Guess she would have to research Gamp's laws later.
But now she should focus on the lesson. Her initial nervousness had gone away completely upon learning that they were NOT going to transfigure themselves. Now they could focus on the adorable insects.
Which one was she going to pick? Spider? Probably not. She wasn't scared of spiders but she wasn't sure she wanted one crawling on her hand either. Surely the spiders had a good relationship with Professor Nana which would prevent them from biting, but as Kitty did not know how to handle spiders she did not want to risk it. The stick insects looked interesting, but also delicate. Kitty was naturally gentle (no one rough could take care of nine worms) but she did not have any experience with these bugs and knew nothing about them except for pictures she had seen in books about insects. Still, they looked cool and Kitty sort of regretted not having researched them before. "I'm going with the caterpillars," Kitty announced to no one in particular as she made her way over to one of the baron caterpillars. Caterpillars were an insect she knew a great deal about, almost as much as she did about worms. She picked one of them up gently and went back to her desk.
Right now it was curled up in a ball. Kitty knew that caterpillars did that when they were scared. The best thing to do was just to not to do anything right now while it calmed down.
Nearby she heard Esme (who had also picked a caterpillar) naming hers Jasmine. "What should your name be?" she asked the caterpillar as it slowly uncurled. " about Miles? Like you are able to crawl for miles and miles. Pretty good, right?" |