♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Time for another Charms Challenge and after the last one Esme was not going to let herself be surprised by anything. Nope. Never had she thought that she would be made to clean cat litter for an activity. She was going to walk into this one expecting anything and everything under the sun.
Oh, look, the door was locked... That was unexpected. She raised her brow before reading the instructions that had been posted. Foam balls. Right. That was something that she could deal with. "Alohomora." With the door unlocked, she turned the knob and stepped inside.
Okay, looked like the foam balls weren't going to give her a chance to get settled in. Tisk tisk. That wasn't very polite of them. She made a face as a couple hit her before bouncing off harmlessly. That better not count against her because she had only just stepped inside and hadn't been able to put her shield up yet. "Protego!" she called out as she made a vertical slash with her wand. There. Now she had a shield put in place. Waving her wand around, Esme muttered "Arresto Momentum!" towards one of the approaching objects. How'd you like them apples, ball? Smiling, she kept waving her wand around, Arresto Momentuming all the others until she had a bunch of balls hanging in mid-air. Now that was more like it. Grabbing hold of the closest ball, she plopped it into the basket that had been provided.
Plop. Plop. Plop.
When she had managed to collect all the foam balls it was time for Esme to move on to the next part of the challenge. Apparently that involved more foam balls. More specifically, ones that had been stuck to the walls. Now what was the spell to unstick objects again?
As she made her way to the first wall, Esme wracked her brain trying to remember what she needed to use to get the balls free. It started with an A... That much she knew. Great, she was staring at a wall and probably looking like a complete idiot. She HAD gone over the spell list in preparation; it was more a matter of the fact that there were so many that the information for a little jumbled in her head. The solution was at the tip of her tongue though.
She snapped her fingers and beamed as she suddenly remembered. "Avexis!" Yeeeeees, SHE HAD THIS.
Esme pointed her wand at the first foam ball that her eyes landed on. "Avexis!" Plop into the basket it went as it unstuck from the wall. Huh. That had been rather easy. Go her for remembering how to do this because it sure wasn't a spell that came up often in her daily life. Now she was doing it like a pro. Hehe. "Avexis!" she said as she pointed her wand at the next ball. On and on she went, working along to get all of the balls from the surface and into the basket.
Plop. Plop. Plop.
On to the next wall. "Avexis! Avexis! Avexis!" Esme repeated the spell until all of those balls had been removed and then moved on to the third wall. After what felt like forever - but was really less than thirty minutes since she hadn't been told time was up - all the balls had FINALLY been placed inside the basket. Now that hadn't been too bad and hopefully she would get a good ending score. At least she had fun?
Now she was off to eat a snack because she was hungry! |