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Old 07-10-2016, 07:39 PM   #62 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default Spiny Leaf Bug #2
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Genny sat back in her chair with the bug on her hand. It didn't have a face so she could not tell whether it was confused or scared. All she knew was it was fidgeting in its own tiny, cute bug-way. "So, professor says we should get accustomed to each other." Well, she said the students should get accustomed, but Genny was not one to break a bug's heart. "I don't really know what else to say. You look lovely I want to try and squish you to see how flexible you are because you look pretty resilient but also what if you die? I would never let that happen." Genny just babbled on with the bug for longer than she would have imagined a conversation with an insect would go.

It was not particularly what the professor meant by getting accustomed but Genny was already comfortable with insects in general (as long as they were not snakes.... were snakes insects?) so there was nothing to do here, really. Mhmm, the leafy bug looked simple enough, mhmmm.

Now, her eyes moved from her bug buddy to the rest of the class to see who was most scared of bugs.
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