Vivian was really glad that her first Charms Challenge had been a success, and she was amused with the score she got (although she secretly wanted a perfect one) so here she was again, to challenge herself with the second round. And she did do her reading and reviewing of Charms in case new ones would come up in this round. Plus, she had a brand new stash of marshmallows in her pocket for this event too. Nobody could ever go wrong with one. She had also told her mum about her experience with the first challenge and oh what joy it brought to Vanya Fairfield to know her daughter was actually learning something when she was far away from home. Her dad, though, he was proud too but if only Vivian could send virtual winks towards him, he'd know what else she had been up to, really.
The blonde stood up when it was her turn for the challenge. She made her way towards the door, locked as usual, just like the previous time she had been here. She squinted towards the list of directions. The usual, thirty minutes to complete the challenge as well. The last time, Vivian actually panicked with the short amount of time given to them but she knew this one would be better. Easier even, if her extra studying didn't fail her today.
Vivian took her wand out. Alright, she was ready for this. Her thirty minutes started now. She pointed her wand at the door and sent an "
Alohomora!" towards it, with the reverse S hand movement. She heard a click from the door and, with the grin, she knew that she was successful. Oh, come on. This part was always the easy one. She skipped over and turned the knob open and...
She let out a
The Slytherin would have preferred to deal with more screaming Barbies, just like the first challenge, but now she was wrong about things being better. This was DEFINITELY NOT. Two of the pixies were already pulling on her hair from both sides. Her hair was being yanked from left and right and the eleven year old tried to yank her hair back but to no success. Was Primeaux being serious? Did he not know that this Slytherin didn't like her hair being played with? She let out a groan and sort of swatted a pixie away, but it came back towards her anyway and started pulling her robes this time.
But AWHELLNO, she wasn't going to allow her WAND to be taken from her. Vivian glared at a third pixie that was making grabby hands towards her beloved magical stick. "
Back off! This is MINE. GET YOUR OWN!" The Slytherin was seriously going to burst any moment. If only she could just run away and leave these pixies behind? Nah, she had to do something.
Successfully pulling her wand back to herself, the Slytherin sent an angry glare and an "
the hand movement that looked like two mountains and a river down below it, towards the pixie that was diving to get a grasp of her wand. It then stopped moving and sort of floated int he air as well. "
Lesson learned: don't ever lay your pesty finger on my wand." And she sent more freezing charms towards the pixies around her. "
Immobulus! Immobulus!" She sent two towards the pixies that were at it on her hair with more twirling and flourishing of her wand because of the hand movement. Once all of the ten pixies were left frozen in the air, Vivian felt all SMUG and smirked at their poor inanimate faces. "
Told ya not to mess with me."
But uh... now that they were all floating in midair, she did kind of have a hard time trying to reach those that were a little bit higher than her two feet could manage. This caused for yet another spell to use! "
Carpe Retractum!" she said, and an orange rope sort of came out of her wand. Vivian then whipped the rope forward and back, retrieving an immobile pixie with it. Vivian then stuffed each pixie back inside the cage after she retracted all ten of them. All good now! The Slytherin sent a wink towards the pixies, since they can't flinch a muscle. "
Finite!" The rope then disappeared from her wand. Alright, so the real trouble was finished!
Before she was about to turn around and leave the room, she blinked. Oh... RIIIIIGHT. She was supposed to stick the cage in place before she left. "
Epoximise!" she pointed her wand at the base of the cage and it somehow glued itself in place. Great! So now she was absolute done-done. Boo yeah! But still, not happy about her possible doom because of those pixies. Had it not been for her
awesome Charms skills, she would have left this room with a bald head and a scowl plastered on her face. It wasn't a good sight for anyone, really. Oh, and for goof measure so that these pixies didn't leave ever again, Vivian glared at them one more time and pointed her wand at
them the door of the cage. "
Colloportus!" she said and did a straight no-curve P-shaped hand movement. The cage's door then clicked and the first year smirked. HA! Let's see them leave this cage now, eh?
Anyway, time to leave FOR GOOD. "
See you never, pixies!" The eleven year old skipped her way out of the ever changing practice room and closed the door behind her. She double-checked the list of instructions - it didn't state to close the door before she left, she wanted to point out - and was pleased to see that she had successfully done all the tasks. Alright, she was all good. This caused for more marshmallows to nom and letters to send, to please her mum. Hehe.
TTFN, ta-ta for now! #VivianIonaFairfieldOut...Again