Username: Rachieru
Member number: 75622
House: Hufflepuff
Character name: Harriet Paton
Year: First
Meteorite's name: Zoom.
A look into the life of Zoom, a meteorite Entry 1:
This entry describes me going and making my pet rock have facial features! I love art so it was a really fun time. I made sure that the rock had some eyes, so that he can see everything that we are going to do around the castle. I also gave the rock a smiley smile because I am always smiling. I finally named her, zoom, as she had to zoom all the way down to get here! I can't wait to have lots of fun experiences with her!
Post One
Entry 2:
Harriet took her pet rock Zoom down to the Great Hall to have some breakfast. She loves breakfast and knew it would be something important to show her pet rock as Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
Post two
Entry 3:
I spent lots of time with Zoom in my dorm. It was fun to spend time there and hang out! I was pretty tired today though, and we just went and slept. I dont think the bedside cabinet was as comfy as my bed though!
Post Three
Entry 4
Today I took Zoom down to the lake. I love the grounds, they are my favorite part of the castle! I showed Zoom how pretty the lake was and we did a little bit of relaxing! It was really nice!
Post Four