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How lucky was he to have a subject just stroll on down to him. Granted he did come down to the grounds to take pictures of birds getting beat up by the willow, but this was an easier subject for you.
Packing up his stuff, Bentley made his way down the tree house and to the base of the tree so he could make the acquaintance of his new subjects.
"Errrm....hello...I'm Bentley." And I'm going to take tons of pictures of you and your cat now. Ha!
Butterflies still took flight in the path of her fur baby, the cat swatting at them but always missing. It was a good thing really for she didn't exactly want to see her cat capture and then torment a beautiful creature or well any creature really for that matter. Except maybe spiders cause she could very easily do without those.
Hady watched the younger boy make his way down from the tree house towards her and Hagan. The whole time she eyed him and the camera he was carrying. So his name was Bentley hmm. Sounded familiar but not much. Using her tongue she pushed the mandrake leaf to the inside of her cheek before talking. "Hady," which was her obviously. Then a flourish of her hand was given towards her cat. "Hagan." There introductions done and she hadn't even choked on, swallowed, or spit out the leaf. Job well done there Lynch.