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It was a rather nice day outside, so Esme had decided that she would head out and enjoy the nice weather as well as get some fresh air.
She had spent a few hours napping and then got a snack from the kitchens so she was in a good mood as she made herself along the grounds. The thoughts of what had happened to her earlier this term were still there - as was her worry about her father - but she had been keeping herself busy as much as possible. It was in dreams that she felt everything the most but then she couldn't escape from her subconscious. Siiiigh.
Making her way up the latter, she was a little disappointed to see that the place was completely deserted. Part of her had hoped that one of her friends or her sister would be around so that she could talk to them. Oh well, she would be seeing Juno later and maybe she could find Oliver and see what he was up to. Esme really liked hanging out with him.
Dora was there. She was simply HIDING, and clearly she was doing it WELL! Hahahahah!
After watching the other girl for a few minutes she jumped from the top of the treehouse onto the balcony there. Like RIGHT beside the other girl. RIGHT. BESIDE. HER.
Who are you?" she asked rather bluntly, eyes wide and staring at the girl... because that was what she did.