Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 29,830
| ♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Finch. Finch's office. Finch. Must find in Finch's office...
The words repeated themselves over and over, the only thought circling the dazed twelve year old's mind as he made his way back up to the castle. His limbs were positively frozen by now, his arms completely unshielded from the harsh winter cold. By the time he'd managed to make it to the entrance hall, his damp clothing and hair had frozen a bit, making both extremely stiff. He thawed a bit as he made his way up the stairs and through the hall, though he didn't seem to notice either the frigid stiffness in his limbs or the slow melting. Jaemin absently bumped into the wall as he walked, one side of his face still smeared brick-red from the blood that had escaped the oozing scrapes on his cheek and chin.
It was probably a miracle nobody stopped him, and an even bigger miracle that Finch's office was not that far off from the entrance hall. He kept swaying lightly as he moved, expression empty, eyes following the wall until he had found his way into Finch's waiting area. Shuffling right up to the door, he fumbled a bit with grabbing the knob, fingers not quite ready to work in the way that fingers should; it took him a good long minute to turn it, and without a single word the small boy slipped into the office, leaving the door ajar. He stood just inside, head tilted to one side, eyes slowly trailing around the entirety of the office before he turned and made his way toward a bookcase against the wall.
"The book," he whispered to himself, reaching out a hand and touching the spines of each and every one he could. Absently he pulled one from the shelf, tilting his head the other way to read it before letting it go; it fell onto its spine on the shelf, still held closed by the book next to it, but not for long. The boy repeated the process with that book, then the next, then the next. Several fell too far out of the shelf and tumbled to the floor. He ignored them, not even showing recognition when the corner of a rather heavy one landed on his foot and flopped off of it. He merely continued, right up to the end of the shelf.
None of the books felt like the book. Song book. The small boy reached up for the next shelf, and went through the whole process all over again, tipping book after book off the shelf, or sideways, or onto its spine, without any regard for the mess he was making. One of the books had the right word on it... that one he held, keeping the precious book crooked against his wet shirt as he went through the rest. Several whole shelves of books later, he had exhausted all options available there, but he was not yet done. The song hadn't told him which book exactly... so, stepping on some of the books with still wet and dirty shoes, the diminutive Slytherin made his way to Finch's desk and started pulling at drawers.
He still clung to the book he'd pulled the shelf, and thus he managed to pull two of the drawers from the desk completely. These too he dropped on the floor, then absently kicked with his already sore foot so he could see the contents. No book... no book... the way he was looking at everything would have been almost inquisitive were his expression not so flat and devoid of anything else. He pulled all of the drawers, only finding one book inside. It was older than the one he held already, and it had the right word on the cover... he picked that one up as well, and tucking it against the other, hobbled toward the door.
"Spell book," he whispered, falling a bit against the doorframe on his way out. "Spell book... for the song..."
He left the door to the office wide open, and all the wreckage behind. Clothing starting to drip a bit, Jaemin made his way back down the hall toward the stairs, swaying as he walked, shoulder meeting the wall every so often. He'd found his prizes for his song, and now he had to deliver them. |