So ready, that as she casted the birds, he sent a
snake her way. The little green guy burst forth from his wand and hissed at the birds flying above, showing its EXTREMELY SCARY FANGS that Paul made a little SHRIEK at his own spell O___O
And, in the process, he lost his DAMN WAND.
"BLOODY HELL, KAYSHA!" he said with a burst of laughter as he dived to retrieve his wand, very dramatically, he scraped his elbows on the ground. OWOWOWOW SCRAPED ELBOWS. WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THIS FLOOR MADE OF?!?!?
"OH KAYSHA, I am DYING--" he cried, more dramatics, grabbing his elbows.
Before he SNATCHED HIS WAND UP and sent a
levitation charm towards Kaysha. SHE LIKED BIRDS, DIDN'T SHE?