Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch This whole mandrake leaf thing was getting annoying. Was it over yet? Of course he was going to bite his tongue and not say anything about it to anyone besides Hady, but, Merlin, eating without managing to swallow the thing was tough. It forced him to eat slowly and carefully, which was something that was emotionally killing the prefect as he enjoyed pigging out.
Frankie was successful in eating a healthy breakfast before class, granted it was not as large as he would have liked. But it was enough to at least prevent him from thinking about lunch already, even if it was only temporary. The leaf, in fact, was keeping him fairly preoccupied at the moment. He moved it around in his mouth as he walked through the doorway and into the room.
Holy hippogriffs! Who turned up the heat in this place? The blond loosened his tie a little as he took note of the glass tanks. Interesting. He turned toward Professor Ichihara and greeted her with a simple nod of his head before taking a seat faaaaaaaaar away from that monstrous Nicky Iver.
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