sheep rodeo xD Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN With a wince, the Gryffindor Ace pulls himself upright-- and just in time too, as a runaway sheep gallops by. He clutched his silvery cruiser to himself as he watched the sheepquestrian Genny holler gleefully and nearly fell off. "Is this a thing??" he beamed at the Gryffindor Prefect "This has GOT to be a thing!" because awesome funtimes at the Gryffindor towers hyello. Tenacius propped himself on one the study tables and cheered "SHEEP RODEO WOOHOOO!!" pulling his scarf off his neck and started whipping it around in the air like a cowboy ready to rope in some cattle "Ride 'em Genny gooooooo!!!"
He was distracted long enough to see Tory walk in and --oohhhhh yikes "I wanna get a turn too! But Ugo-- you just stepped on a turd" point point guffaw. |