Text Cut: Hirschy's kisses xoxoxoxo
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Had Miss Fairfield not gone on to talk, the man would've been really concerned about her simply swaying back and forth and not even looking at him. Surely he wasn't that bad to look at, even if the mix of scruffy facial hair and tattoos made him look like a hooligan more than a professor.
But then she was talking and he could relish in the fact that she did seem comfortable talking about Quidditch. "I bet you will, soon enough," he said, pushing his glasses further up his nose, "And I'll try to hide my jealousy if you do." Was he joking? Who knew. He wasn't the biggest fan of the sport out there but even he wouldn't be able to resist free tickets to a game. "Do you support your aunt's team?"
"And I doubt she'd want you calling her that if you ever met her." Her name? Miss Fairfield had done a good enough job of convincing him that she was merely curious about the name, rather than whatever else it was that was going on in the young Slytherin's head. Kudos to you. "Ariadne Grahn. She also plays for the Swedish National Team."
Yes, he'd fallen for that innocent look. Fairfield - 1, Hirsch - 0.
Hirsch knew that she might not get it in the first go; it was a complicated spell, after all. But he wanted to see her try it out. He didn't believe in the lecture method: practical application was the best way to learn. So, there was no use in him simply showing her and not letting her carry out the spell herself. But her words had earned her another laugh from the man and he shook his head. "Don't worry, I won't hold that against you. You can stay."
Hirsch's eyes lit up at the dog waving its tail but was immediately let down again when the dog froze again. Shame. "That was an excellent attempt! Very very good. On your first attempt, too." That was something, wasn't it? "Maybe try it with a bit more confidence in your spell casting. You've already made it wag its tail, you can make it do more, can't you?" And if she couldn't, he'd go ahead and show her.
For a moment, Vivian totally forgot her so-called "heartbreak" and she was internally smirking at this conversation already. Hirsch had given her a name already. The Slytherin mentally gave herself a pat on the shoulder and a 'congratulations' for absolutely fooling a Professor with her ever so innocent face. Her asset, really, and it hasn't failed her up to date.
So her name was Ariadne Grahn? Huh. It wasn't a name that was ever familiar too, nor was the surname. Well, it must explain why. Miss Grahndma - or shall we say, Grahnny - wasn't part of Aunt Elise's team. Puddlemere United, right? "
That's really interesting, Professor. She must be good." Vivian didn't care about that, not even the fact that she was the seeker for the Swedish National team either although it admittedly was kinda cool. BUT AHEM. She wasn't going to lay that down. "
And yeah, I do support my aunt's team. They're a great bunch of players and I do, well, sneak into their tents before and after matches. Err... sometimes. But there are also other amazing teams too." The Wanderers had awesome Chasers and the Harpies were such a strong mix of fierce women. It was evident that she was raised into a world of Quidditch, what with an aunt who was just as crazy as she was.
Nevertheless, Quidditch wasn't exactly the reason why she was here, right? Although it meant an extra ten or so minutes discussing teams and leagues with one of her faaaavourite Professors, so she didn't find an excuse. It wasn't always a regular opportunity to be in this office, anyway. And also getting one-on-one spell lessons with Hirsch? Lucky Vivian was lucky. Fairfield - 1, and none for you, Grahnny.
Vivian smiled at Hirsch when he said she could stay. And even that was so relieving! She didn't skip from her dormitory all the way to this office just so she could be kicked out and sent to the Charms professor, whom she wasn't really keen on bothering anyway. He gave detentions like a machine produced marshmallows. A LOT, obviously. And it was even better when he thought she made an excellent attempt on her first try! Really? Usually most people would just... you know, cast an animating spell that moved the object longer than what hers did. But if Hirsch said it was excellent, then she believed it too. "
Thank you, Professor!" He was a great mentor, really, with a great face. And a great everything.
But yeah, maybe she should try it again? A little more concentration, like what Hirschy Hirsch said. She nodded and cleared her throat. Ahem. Vivian wanted it to more this time. It didn't have to be perfect, but at least something better than her first attempt. "
Piertotum Locomotor!" The blonde said with her wand pointed towards the toy dog on the desk. This time, it wagged its tail once more and skipped! The sight made a wide beam grow on the Slytherin's face, before the toy dog went back to yet another inanimate and lifeless object.
Huh? Did she do it wrong again? "
How do I make it last longer, Professor? Like what you did with it during that gytrash lesson? How does it last for about a week or so?" Was there an even more advanced kind of magic or spell variant for it? So many questions from such a tiny soul!