Join Date: May 2009 Location: London
Posts: 32,843
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alexander River Hirsch Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: --
x11 x11
| urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft Oh thank the Fwoopers.. Professor Hirsch was in and she bit her lip a little as she pushed open his door and gave him a small wave.. "Umm." She was really off to a brilliant start wasn't she? But what she had seen wasn't exactly easy to explain.. And she might seem like some crazy kid who was longing for her mother to be alive so much, she she invented this..
But she wasn't. "I.. need to talk to you. I felt like you were the only person whom I could talk to about this." She said softly as she walked towards his desk, her purple eyes on him.. "I.. was out on the grounds yesterday.. and uhh.." Brace yourself Professor, because here came the "crazy" part. "I saw my mother's patronus. Her bunny came hopping up to me and seemed like it wanted me to follow it, but I reached out to touch it and it disappeared." She bit her lip a little.. "Dead.. people can't send Patronus's can they? And this couldn't be like some sort of sick joke right? Other people can't send Patronus's that looked exactly like other people's right? Cause.. umm.. My mom.. could be alive."
Please don't send her to St.Mungo's.. she wasn't crazy.. As soon as he'd called for the person to come in, the man added a teaspoon of medium-roast coffee into his mug, followed almost immediately by the boiling water. He'd just been about to add some milk when the sound of the door opening caught his attention. Looking up, he smiled at the person standing there, calling out a quick, "Hello, Azura." He gestured towards the seat opposite his table and went to sit down himself, mug in hand.
No, um wasn't a great start but it was something. He didn't question her, he merely sat there and waited for her to continue.
The smile tugged a little wider on his face at her words. Flattered, he was. It was nice to know that your students could trust you with various pieces of information and could come to you with them as well. There was a line, of course, and as long as she wasn't about to talk to him about love issues, he was fi-
Oh. This was weird. This was very weird.
If there was a moment where he could've dropped his mug of coffee out of shock, this would've been it. The smile had gone and was, instead, replaced with a look of curiosity, shock and confusion. "She sent you a Patronus? Here?!" He paused. "It didn't say anything, did it?" Yeah, this was weird.
Oh look, a part he could understand well. "No, dead people can't send patronuses," he said, shaking his head, "No ghost, no other being can. They'll need wands, for starters." Even if they had the happy thoughts pinned down. At the words of her mum being alive and that other people can't send patronuses like other people's, the man frowned a little. It was an obscure thought, and it might as well be true but......
This was hard. "Sometimes, your Patronus can change. It seems strange, I know, because they're a part of you. They represent you and your internal defence. But if you go through an emotional upheaval, the form can change to match the situation." Pause. "For example, if you fall in love, your form might change to match the person you fall in love with because so many of your happy memories revolve around them."
Another pause. "It could have been your mother's Patronus out there, that is a possibility, or someone else's whose Patronus changed to match your mother's." Quote:
Originally Posted by Kimothy Huh. Right. Birthday present. Laughing woman poster. RIIIIIIGHT. Vivian Fairfield was not going to fall for THAT, Professor Pretty Hirsch. Although, she didn't really want to dig in deeper into such topic. Her firstie heart was hurt. Was this how it felt? To be heartbroken?
If so, she didn't like it anymore. LOVE HURTS.
The blonde went to climb up the seat that was offered to her. "Yeah... thanks, Professor..." She wasn't going to just stand there and listen to her poor little heart break into pieces, anyway. She did a veeeeeery dramatic sad face, because you know... Hirsch. He needed to know.
The mention of Quidditch got her attention, however. Though it wasn't enough to compensate the "pain" that came with this entire thing, Vivian wasn't the kind to just sulk about in sadness. "Y'know, my auntie is a Quidditch player too. She's a beater for Pride of Portree and also former captain of Ravenclaw as well, looong looooooong time ago." Yep, Aunt Elise was old. Sorry, not sorry. Twenty five was old, in her opinion. "Do you think my aunt and Miss Laughing-Woman-On-Poster would know each other, Professor?" Also, Vivi had free tickets to games sometimes. #Perks, obviously.
Anyhow, Vivi was aware that she was getting out of the topic. But still, she liked finding reasons to stay a little longer. Especially in this office, for all the obvious reasons. "Oh, I was just wondering if you could charm my toy dog for me again, Professor? He stopped moving a couple of weeks ago, and my kneazle Marshmallow is probably starting to get lonely with no company whenever I have class." Yep, loneliness. Another thing Vivi wasn't a fan of, on top of HEARTBREAK. Ahem. Also, she didn't want to reason out why she was here instead of visiting the Charms Professor. Long story, really. Hirsch over everything, except Marshmallows and family and food and yeah okay a lot of other stuff yadayada. "And if you could teach me the charm too, Professor, so that I don't keep bothering you every other week, it would be lovely." Like his face. Loooovely. Vivian batted her eyelashes at Hirsch. Pleaaaaase?
But paying a visit every fortnight wasn't a bad idea either, just saying. Hehe. That sad face. Hirsch gulped. He had no idea why she was pulling such a face but it was enough to make him feel quite bad, regardless. And, frankly, it came as a surprise. Surely, he hadn't said anything that bad that warranted the sad look? He opened his mouth to ask her, but she went on to say something else.
Oh, Quidditch. "Really?" he asked, an impressed look on his face, "That's really impressive. I hope you get free perks from that, what with being related to her and all." The idea sounded nice to him, even if he wasn't entirely obsessed with the sport. Miss-Laughing-Woman-On-Poster? Hirsch couldn't help but let out a laugh at that nickname. A hearty, throwing-his-head-back type of laughter. Could he call Ariadne that? "Possibly. They'd have met each other on the pitch, I bet. I might even go as far as to say that your aunt has tried to unseat....... Miss-Laughing-Woman-On-Poster from her broom before." It was part of the job, wasn't it?
Of all the things he thought he might have been approached about, he didn't expect it to be about this. "Oh!" Surprised? He was. "Yes, of course." To both of her requests, actually. He pulled out his wand, in case, but didn't go into casting anything. "The spell is Piertotum Locomotor. It animates anything that's inanimate and lets you control their movement, whether it be a large statue or a small toy. All you have to do is point your wand at it and concentrate on it moving."
Pause. "Give it a go and see if you can get it," he said, a small twinkle in his eyes and an encouraging smile on his face.
And no, he didn't mind being bothered. At least, not by his students.
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