Health: 500; Magic: 710; Fatigue: 50 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. The disadvantage of Langlock was that Kay had no idea when Paul would cast a spell though the advantage of wand movements and lights from the wand certainly help. It was just as she was figuring this out, she suddenly the jet of light from Paul's wand distracted her. Not today, Paul! Whatever spell it was, it would not be affecting her. She sidestepped to her right and the light missed her completely. Now there was not a moment to waste. ''Slugulus Eructo!'' Would Paul be burping slugs soon? We'll see! SPOILER!!: Tracker! Spells Used:
* Slugulus Eructo: Causes target to vomit up slugs for ten minutes (i.e. Slug-Vommiting Charm) - Caster Points:
- Opponent Points:
- Additional Effects: Target cannot cast a spell for the post in which the charm hits them
Directionality: At Paul Spells Affected By: N/A Physical Movements: Sidestep Total Depleted: 15M, 5F Kaysha's Current Points: Health points: 500 Magic points: 695 Fatigue points: 45