Before anyone knew it, a soft rumbling could be heard. GNOMIES! Or you could call them GNUPIDS this month. They were in a hurry, YES YES! So many studensies to find and deliver these special grams before March!
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See Hady knew what she was doing career wise. She had always known and she had no trouble in making sure everyone else knew. That went for the Frankie as well. It was a known fact that she was going to Uni, which one was still undecided but she was going. Had she have known what he was thinking she most certainly would have agreed to the fullest of her ability. Even if they had meant flooing to wherever he was all the time or choosing a uni that was closer. His silence confused her and she said nothing turning her attention onto the fruit cup in her hand. Silently picking out a few pieces to eat.
The conversation seemed to suck all the life out of the easy setting they had moments earlier. It stunk but it was good in the sense that she now knew what the other was doing. The silence wasn't that bad and was broken soon enough by Frankie's question. Hady's eyes darted from the sandwich in his hand to his face. "I'll take it now," She reached out for it taking it from him and setting it on her own lap. Food was a good silence filler.
YES! This studensie was ONE of them. Quickly before any could escape, the chorus of gnupids circled around the green girl. Then one of the gnupids threw a small box of chocolates and a flower bouquet at her.
I know you aren't supposed to have chocolates,
but how can one celebrate this holiday without some?
Don't let Ichihara catch you with these.
HAPPY-HAPPY-HAPPY-HAPPY Valentine's Daaaaaay, Hads!
Froooom Anonymous
Nooope. No need for thank yous. The gnupids left with a trail of confetti for their next receiver.
Giggle, giggle