The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion And just as suddenly as he'd come in Dima had left again.
Maggie stared at the door for a moment, trying to process this. Although there really was nothing TO process. Nothing weird had happened and she'd survived and they were all good and happy. It was VALENTINE'S DAY after all. Of course they were happy. Speaking of happy, there was her lovely boyfriend next to her who had clearly put a lot of effort into this dinner.
Which was why instead of answering him, Maggie turned to face him and gave him a lingering kiss on the lips. That was where they'd been, no? Something like that. She didn't quite remember. But this definitely felt right. She pulled back with a small grin. Now they could go back to enjoying their evening. "Now, what's all this?" |