elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿ Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie Unfortunately the second year teen was more focused on scanning the subjects of the books than looking for any obstacles in her path. Hadley's foot collided with Maddison's leg, half-tripping on, half-stepping on the seventh years leg. And down Hads went. Hard.
Anger flared in her, like it did so easily these days and she had to take three deep breaths to keep from snapping at the older student. She had enough Ravenclaws that hated her, she didn't need any more. "Okay," she said at last. "That wasn't entirely my fault." As if to emphasize the fact, Hadley gave Maddie a very pointed look. Having been unceremoniously stepped on and then chastised as if she were a small child, one could understand why Maddie might not be the most cheerful claw as she sat up and rubbed her legs. "Yes, I can see how you not looking where you're going would be my fault, too." The seventh year nodded solemnly, looking past the younger girl to see if anyone else had witnessed this injustice.
Noting that she'd have a lovely bruise in the morning, Maddie pushed herself to her feet and considered the situation. "Where were you off to in such a hurry?" Perhaps if she had a good reason, the brunette wouldn't be as bothered.
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