♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Okay. Two things, Paul Myers.
This new desk setup was not in any way ideal for Jaemin. The minute the small, pink-haired today because STUPID COLOUR CHARMS Slytherin entered the greenhouse, which was filled with the noisy cacophony of plants he had definitely heard quite a bit before, he realised that this was just not going to work for him. Why? Because there was no good way to put himself as close as possible to the front of the room.
If he chose a desk simply for it being closest to the front, he'd end up on the far side of the class, and could miss stuff because of his angle. If he put himself in the center, he was sooooooo far away from the board and everything that was going on. When you were tiny, these things had severe consequences. So Jaemin stood inside the doorway for a good long minute, looking absolutely horrified because this was an upheaval he just couldn't find the bright spot in.
The other thing? That costume.
It had become expected now that when Paul Myers dressed up in silly things, something awful was going to happen. This was not nearly as bad as the dress in September, but it gave the small boy pause, and he looked around suspiciously to see if maybe... there was tea or water or anything ingestible that they might be expected to consume. He had grown a whole inch so far this term, Myers. No taking that away from him.
The small Slytherin eventually picked a desk, one that was not ideal but more ideal than less ideal ones, and dropped his things at it before heading up to the front to pick up a daffodil. "Hello Professor!" he called over the shrieks and honks, carefully scooping up a daffodil and reaching to pet a screechsnap before heading back to his desk.
His un-ideal desk.
Myers. |