SPOILER!!: Professor Draper
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What had seemed to be a nicer, slower year with fewer office visits and more time to relax... Didn't last for very long. Office visits were rather contagious, James found. Once there was one there were always at least seventeen more. Not that he was complaining... Not publicly, anyway.
And as if right on cue, he heard a knock on his door. This one was polite, no obnoxious knocking. Meant it was a student with at least some sort of respect for their Professors. So eh, it couldn't be too unpleasant. But he was about to find out. Still sat at his desk, he opened the door with a flick of his wand. "Come in," he said hardly looking up from his book.
OOC: You can now post inside if you want!
Janelle had made herself comfortable in the waiting area, figuring she might be there a while. To her surprise, the door to the professor's office opened and a voice directed her to come in. She stood up, took a deep breath and crossed the threshold into the inner sanctum.
"Hello Professor Draper", Janelle said hopefully.
"I'm here to see about adopting Mikey, the crup I was caring for in class. We really bonded and I would love for us to be together permanently. Do you think that would be possible?" Janelle hoped so, but she didn't really know the requirements for adoption. That was what she needed to find out today.