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Old 06-13-2016, 03:42 PM   #37 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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Mason was about to knock again, her hand already raised to smack on the wood once more, when a 'Come in!' came from inside.

Clearing her throat slightly, Mason ran her speech through in her mind again, she had the perfect response for every scenario worked out and she was going to convince him if need be. When she was sure that she was ready, Mason grabbed at the door's handle and pushed it open. She smoothed down her robes once more and mustered the most serious look that she could manage before strutting into the office.

The office wasn't at all what Mason would have expected from Hawt-Hirsh. All sleek orange-and-teal. . . very stiff looking. She had expected it to look like a the Bat-cave or at least some weird Japanese coffee-and-tattoo parlor. . . hmmm.

His Hawtness himself also looked less than pleased, something Mason rarely saw him as. . . and his feet. . . "I don't think that that's a very Professor-y thing to do. Sets a bad example for impressionable little minds like myself. " Joking of course, her Hobbit-legs probably wouldn't even reach the desk.

"Anywayyyy, I didn't come here to scold you on your etiquette, Professor. I have something very important to discuss with you."
Duh, or else she would just have done it on her own.

Still with her serious-face, Mason made her way closer to the desk, arms crossed over her chest. She was hoping to go for the-'I'm an adult and you should take me seriously'-look. But her snort ruined that, she was sure. Merlin, that photograph was hilarious. Uncrossing her arms and reaching out to the picture that sat on Hirsh's desk, Mason couldn't help but snicker at it. "Nice jumpers you got there, Professor. . ." Why he had it on his desk though, she had no idea. Maybe it was a like a reminder to never talk to the person that made him wear that ever again? Maybe. . .

So many distractions!

Clearing her throat and putting down the picture, Mason tried regaining her former seriousness. "As I was saying. . . I have a very important matter to discuss with you." Yes, he knows by now, "I want to become an Auror, and I want you to help me." There, blunt-ish and to the point-ish. . .
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