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Old 06-12-2016, 12:46 AM   #3 (permalink)
Sneakeh Cat

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Maia Denton
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Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...

Originally Posted by MuggleDinosaur View Post
The second year was bored. Maybe walking around would do something good. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know where his best friend was or Azura. He hadn't seen her in awhile. He hoped that Azura was doing alright with her mum being gone and all. Bradson knew what it was like to lose a parent...all of his parents. It hurt but he felt better when he didn't think about, it was easier to not think about any of them actually. But now he was thinking about them. The Scottish boy didn't even know where he was at first, just plopped on the ground, he felt horrible and sad right now.
Juliette was having a great day! She had a nice, big breakfast this morning at the Great Hall and took an amazing nap (even though she had just woken up right before breakfast) afterwords in her form. Now, she was skipping down the hall. She had no real destination in mind; she was just wandering around until her next class started. But hey, she had finally kind of learned her way around!

Skippy, skippy, skippy -- HEY!

She stopped skipping when she came across a boy just sitting in the middle of the floor near a tapestry. She had seen his face before... wasn't he a Hufflepuff? He wasn't wearing his robes, so she wasn't really 100% positive on that. "Excuse me?" She quietly made her presence known. "Are you okay?"

_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
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