SPOILER!!: James pls
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It was about TIME. Geez. Some people actually had WORK to do. Unlike Poncho over here, some members on staff actually took their jobs seriously. He waited impatiently, still as he stood behind the closed door. Waiting for all the scrambling on the other side to stop and for the door to finally--
Was that so hard?
.... "You look miserable, Paul," like he had just woken up from the dead. Also, his breath smelled like the dead too.
But anyways, Poncho's unruly appearance was not the purpose of this little visit. This was a crime scene. And James intended on catching the man red handed so he had to get past the hippy in question to enter the office and find the evidence for himself first hand.
With the one goal in mind, James marched right in (sort of pushing Paul in the process as he passed). "AHA, Just as I suspected you--" Wait a minute. There were three things wrong in this scenario.
1. Merlin was nowhere in sight
2. This was exactly not as James suspected
3. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?????" With hands thrown in the air, gesturing that the THIS in question meant WHAT THE HECK DID PONCHO DO TO HIS OFFICE???? ... Was Poncho a frog in a formal life because that James wouldn't find hard to believe.
Miserable was not the word Paul would have used. Honestly, he was just TIRED. James had awoken him from such a peaceful sleep...still rubbing his eyes, and he snorted. "It's my meeting space...an office stifles the conversation, James," Paul said as if James should have just KNOWN this, duh.
"Why...in Merlin's beard...are you banging on my door, anyways?! I was c-c-catching on sleeeeeeeeep--" Paul said mid-yawn, stretching his arms above him.
"You seem simply jovial today." Ahem.
Who had peed in his cheerios?
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Need Rose Thorns!
Kitty needed thorns. The light - the song, needed them.
She had already crawled through the garden. Next she came to the professor's office. Still on her knees.
Knock. Knock.
Kitty knocked weekly on his door. Vaguely she was aware that he might know where rose thorns were. She knew they were here, but she wanted to find them quickly.
"Kitty wants thorns!"
That was certainly something to hear yelled through the door, and it startled Paul quite a bit--and something ELSE startled him as well. He had never taken down the charms from his Greenhouses after the Daxton incident in the very beginning of term--so.........they were going off. And it seemed lots of students had decided to spend their evenings in there--which was odd, to say the least, and Paul had just grabbed his wand to go check on them when he heard KITTY NEEDS THORNS.
Paul opened the door and squinted down at the girl CRAWLING towards his door.
"Kitty--Miss Valentine--get UP--what in Merlin's name is going on?"