Post 3 || Cookin time Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN As the stew cooked Tenacius grabbed the shovel and started digging the hole to where the old skool baking will take place. He even fitted the cast iron pot a few times to make sure it would be a good snug fit. As he worked on this the aroma from the stew was making his tummy growl, and that one hour wait couldn't have come fast enough.
When the hour was up, the Gryffindor Ace opened the lid and a full steam of Farikal aroma rose up to greet him. Mmm that smells pretty darn good innit? He gave the stew a slight stir and so far everything looks as it should be.
Taste test? But of course. Bit of a sip..... Hmmm he really misses having some more of those spices he asked for earlier, he felt like the true flavor of the lamb isnt coming through-- but hey no matter, this is pretty darn good stew for something made with just salt and pepper and the power of nature.
But now for this bush bread. He peeked at the Damper dough and now has risen to about double its size from earlier. It is ready! Hastily he shoveled the hot coals and ash into the waiting hole in the ground and then quickly fitted the cast iron baking pot into it. Ok this was gonna be another wait.
Marshmallow on sticks? Why of course, he wouldn’t mind one... or twenty. |