Originally Posted by two tasks
• Gather the ingredients, and cook the Damper in the cast iron pot
• Have some marshmallows by your fire
While Echo was waiting for her other food to be finished cooking so she had to start on the Damper now.
Happy that the hole was already dug, she went to go gather her ingredients. Bringing her card with her and a little basket to carry her things she went to where the raw ingredients were being kept.
This seemed to be really easy, only 3 things needed, what even was this Damper. Echo grabbed a little bit of salt first, then grabbed her cup of self raising flour. And the water she already had the measuring cup over at her fire so that was good. Echo started to make her way back but then stopped… she had forgotten something….
The POT!
that’s what she had forgotten, Echo dropped her things at her station and jogged back carefully to retrieve her pot. How was she supposed to cook that with out it. Letting out a puff of air she started to work on everything.
Pinching some salt into the flower Echo pulled over a bowl that she grabbed earlier and added them together. Echo pulled out her wand again with her measuring cup and measured ¼ cup of water and then added it to the flour. Now she had to get her hands dirty, turning her face away from the mix she slowly inserted her hands.
”ewww” it was mushy. Moving it around quickly she made sure that it was somewhat round… Peeking with one eye it seemed alright.
Leaving her mixture she got the shovel that was around her fire and carefully scooped up two shovel loads of hot coals and ash from her fire. Slowly lowering it into the hole Echo carefully placed her shovel away from anyone because it was a bit hot still. Echo put her mixture in the cast iron round pot, then placed the lid on it.
She still had time for both things to cook but she noticed that there were marshmallows going around and she wanted some. Echo went over and grabbed some mallows and grabbed a stick. She sat there with her fire waiting for her food to cook, eating yummy mallows.