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Old 06-10-2016, 06:39 AM   #16 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Relax blend? That was one that Esme had never tried before but she was totally game for it. Nothing wrong with feeling relaxed, right? And every once in a while she drank sleepytime tea when her mind wouldn't settle at night. Of course that was harder to do at Hogwarts when there was a curfew. Still... it DID help whenever she had it. "Sure thing!" She was already rather at ease but there was no way that she would ever say no to feeling more comfortable. At least it wasn't something that would put her to sleep in his office because yeah... Professor Newton was really nice but she didn't think that he would want that.

She watched him set about brewing the tea, hoping that it wouldn't take too long though she would be patient for it; he was being nice just offering it to her when he didn't even have to. "Very good so far. How are you finding it, sir?" Because he experienced the term just as much as she did even though he wasn't a student. "Hoping that nothing crazy happens but I find probably will." Esme laughed. It always got crazy at Hogwarts.
Art smiled and started to brew the tea, heating the whistling kettle over the bunsen burner and pouring it over the tea leaves when it was boiling. Once it had steeped long enough, he poured it into two mugs and gave Miss Darcy one. "I-I hope you like it! It's one of my f-favourites." He blew on it and had a sip.

Art was glad she wasn't here to express how horrible the term had been, or how stuck she was. He worried about the workload of the students sometimes. "Very good, much nicer w-without all of the-the things from last term." Shudder. No Peeves or... whats-her-name-female-poltergeist. No hag. It was good. Art chuckled. "Yes I th-I think you're right there, Hogwarts was n-never one for normality."

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