Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutifulā§ Had she upset Rooney? Did she say something? Maybe she had sounded annoyed when she was speaking to him? Penelope didn't mean to upset Rooney in any way. It hurt her to see that she was hurting Rooney. Maybe the stress of finding Haddie like this was coming out at Rooney. This time when she spoke she made sure it sounded nice. "I'm sorry Rooney, it's just- never mind." There was no way that she could even begin to describe what she was feeling right now. "Thank you for being here and you're really helping." She hugged Rooney. Even just being there as support was helpful, and she knew she couldn't deal with this alone.
What had Rooney said about food not being important? Penelope stared at Rooney. "Food is incredibly important." Why couldn't he understand what she was mentally going through right now? Finding that one of your Ravenclaw babies had turned into an unresponsive zombie child was very shocking. She couldn't deal with that very well right now. Penelope looked down at the still tied and immobilized body of Haddie. "You'll be okay Haddie." Penelope's eyes were tearing up again. Look at Haddie, there on the floor bound in ropes because of what Penelope had done. Was it bad that she had done that to Haddie? Something was wrong with Haddie and she didn't know what it was or how it had happened, and there wasn't anything Penelope could do right now to fix it except bring Haddie to see the healer. She wasn't even sure if the healer would be able to do anything. Mr. Kitridge would be able to help her with this, right? What was happening to Haddie? Penelope was scared for Haddie and she just couldn't deal with this at the moment. Oh look, she was actually crying now.
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