Hirsch was so stupidly handsome. Beautiful, even. The kind of beauty only a man could possess. It made the third year want to run away. Like staring after him was going to make her look so silly that she would have no option but to run for the hills. Chloe was very adept at running away.
A special skill on her resume.
A voice broke through and she blinked in Bentley's direction. Oh right. She was here for a reason that did not include staring after her professor. That was just a wonderful, glorious perk.
She needed to cast and cast quickly but now that she was honed in on the duel she was blanking for completely different reasons. She did not like looking stupid or confrontation. And by delaying she was flaming one fear and by engaging she would have to deal with another.
Panic. She was panicking and so she drew her wand and said the first spell that came to mind, "Mobilicorpus." SPOILER!!: points tracker
Spells Cast: - Mobilicorpus: Levitates and moves living targets
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a
Affected by Spells: N/A
Dueler Name: Chloe Newman
H: 200 + 0 = 200
M: 200 + -25 = 175
F: 15