Booooooooooook....*drools* Fluttery Pegasi Was Hadley sleep walking. Or had she died and come back to life. Both were plausible by the way she shambled into the library, and the lifeless, hollow glaze of her eyes. She reacted to nothing, and nobody. And in her undead, sleepwalking daze, she made her way to the nearest bookshelf and absently tugged the first book off the shelf. "" The book fell to her feet, and the next was taken lifelessly off the shelf. "...Not..." A bit of drool trickled down the Californian's chin. She didn't notice. Didn't react. Just pulled the next book off the shelf. It too fell to her feet. One by one, in this absent, mindless way, Hadley pulled each and every book from the shelves, stared blindly at the cover and dropped it to the floor. When every book was on the floor, she moved to the next stack of shelves and began anew, until one whole section of shelves sat bare. An empty cliff rising from a sea of books.
Then a second section of books. Slowly but surely each and every book was removed and dropped and left. On and on, deeper and deeper into the library. No book was safe. No book would be left on the shelves until she found it.
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