|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Echo was happy that her Spike was already bundled in her towel but now was going to be the fun part, to hold the little guy and dry him off. "time for you to get dry little guy" she told him while unwrapping him from the towel.
Spike instantly started to shiver as she started to feel really bad for him. "awww you'll be warm soon" she pulled out her wand and said "ventus" and the hot air started to come out, Echo directed it towards him and he looked so cute, his little hair flopping in the wind. "your like a little super model" she laughed while making sure that she dried everything.
Now that he was fully dry she laughed. "you look like a little fluff ball" he was so poofy.
Echo placed Spike back in her lap and waited for further instructions.
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