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Old 06-06-2016, 05:08 PM   #48 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 9,632
Default Sorry this is so late, EXAMS! And sorry about your detention
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George


As he made to pull another book off of the shelf, Daxton glanced down at the now ranting and riled up girl. He thought her amusing, and made a mental note that this particular Slytherin seemed to have some sort of entitlement complex, and that defying it was a very good way to annoy her. Helpful information indeed.

So, continuing to ignore her ranting, Daxton looked at the next book he had selected. It was one on the mechanics of non-verbal magic, one that he had read before and could easily remember the details of, but thought he might like to read again. All the while, he stayed very much aware of the fact that there was a very easily and quickly angered girl nearby, and a Slytherin at that, who might very well like to get her own back at any moment. He kept a very close watch on her in the periphery of his vision.

The butchering of his name, however, led Daxton to look at the girl once more, wondering if she had him mixed up with someone else. Dalton Prax? There was a Dalton at the school, but Daxton was fairly certain his surname was something else. 'Dalton Prax' sounded similar enough to Daxton's own name that it occurred to him that the girl was, perhaps, simply a little dim.

What to do, though? Agree, and lead her to believe that that was his real name, eventually making her seem even more like an idiot? Or disagree, and lead her to believe he was someone else entirely, as it seemed the girl had recognised Daxton's reputation or his appearance before he had so much as hinted at his own name. It was a tricky decision.

Adding the book he had taken from the shelf to the one he already held, Daxton appeared to consider the question for a long moment, as though he might answer it. Indeed, he opened his mouth, appearing for all the world as if he were about to say something... and then simply turned back to the bookshelf - careful not to turn his back to the girl - and resumed his perusing of the bookshelves as though nothing had happened.

Was that even his name? He didn't seem to respond to it. Was she mistaking him for someone else? She didn't even really know if this Loner-Dude was someone special, surely if he was in the same line as she was, she'd have heard of him.

Mason glowered at him for a few more seconds, watching silently as he opened his mouth, hoping that he would at least make SOME kind of sound. He seemed to close it just as fast as he had opened it, which was FRUSTRATING to say the least.

"Can you even speak? Are you a mute? Can you at least ACT like I'm here?!" Cause she was important and Mason wasn't about to let some Silenciod-Jerk act as if she wasn't here. "HELLLOOOOOO???"

With a frustrated-huff, Mason placed her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. "You know, I can do this alllllllll day. I can keep you company, tell you all about my day, I can annoy the hell out of you if I wanted to." And she would. Mason smirked slightly and crossed her arms over her chest, "Or I could just come over there and-" WHY wasn't he wearing shoes??!! "Dude, what the hell?! Why aren't you wearing any shoes? Are you in like some freaky cult?" Maybe he was Amish? Whatever that even meant. Maybe it was a Muggle-thing? Was this kid even a Muggle-born? She hoped so, or else the Purebloods have really gone down the drain. . .

This kid was weiiirrrddddddd.
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