Muggle Studies + Potions joint lesson Right at the lake, on a cold, wintry December afternoon, Professor Newton and Professor Stewart had set up the equipment for their joint class.
It's nearing 5pm, and Art was standing with Professor Stewart, watching as the sun was setting over the lake. He was wearing a beanie, gloves, and a thick, woolen jumper. Madame Curie was safely tucked inside the jumper, her tiny little head poking out just under Art's chin. He had been ecstatic at the thought of a joint lesson with Muggle Studies, being muggleborn himself. He and Professor Stewart were eagerly awaiting the arrival of their students, with piles of wood, a stack of spare cauldrons, piles of stones, and a very large (charmed) esky.
Around the sand, set in a large circle, were logs huge enough for you to sit on. Go on. Have a seat! You'll be a lot warmer soon enough, we promise. Please remember to follow Professor Stewart's rules & expectations and Professor Newton's guidelines, as well as the other SS rules. Class will commence in about 20-22 hours. CLASS HAS COMMENCED! Lesson Progression: 1. Build your own fire! 2. A Question from Ms Kennedy 3. Art getting started with the cooking/"Potions" portion 4. Addressing students and their questions 5. Jaemin, Fiyero, Miranda & an OOC update! 6. Serve yourselves! 7. Professor Art's spooky story! 8. Class update! |