~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Echo! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow "perfect" she answered while making her way over to the owls.
Laughing with her Professor she smiled. Happy that she didnt give her a look for sending a letter home for fashion and decor. "as soon as possible, its starting to get way to cold for her." Echo always felt that she needed to bundle up in the dungeons, she was always layering clothes. She loved the sun and they didnt get much of it underground. "price is not a problem Professor" the Duchannes were very wealthy. "ohh yes come on down little owls.. i got a very important letter for you" she thought that it might help, to say it was important. Maybe they would come down.
Kay trailed after Echo, her blue eyes still observing the many owls. It reminded her of the Owlery at Hogwarts though she wondered which house more- the Post Office or Hogwarts. She laughed again. "We'll just have to thaw you out should you become an icicle, Ms Duchaness,'' the woman stated lightly, trying to crack a joke. No pressure to laugh, Echo.
It seemed that the Duchanesses were in the rich side but Kay did not question this. That was Echo's business. "Excellent! Do you have any treats? Perhaps that would help to get one down.'' But then again, who usually walked around with owl treats in their pockets? |