Thread: Information: SSRPG Character Biographies
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Old 06-05-2016, 01:58 AM   #55 (permalink)
Sneakeh Cat

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Maia Denton
Daily Prophet Reporter
x5 x2
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...

Former Slytherin Prefect [Term 48-49]; Hogwarts Class of 2096
Currently: Theatre Student & Tea Room Server
Face Claim: Andrew Garfield

SPOILER!!: Flynn Kowalski
♚ Introduction
Name: Flynn Oisin Kowalski
Pronunciation: F-lyn Osh-een K-oh-w-AH-l-s-k-ee
Nicknames: Flynnly [only certain people can call him this]; otherwise, just Flynn, for friends or close acquaintances, or Prefect Kowalski, for everyone else
Date of Birth: December 14, 2077
Hometown: Warsaw, Poland
Current Residency: London, England
Heritage: Halfblood
Primary Language: Polish
Secondary Language: English
Relationship Status: Engaged to Archie Vorpatril [Dating September 2095 - Present] [Engaged as of May 29, 2096]
Previous Relationships: Felicity Harrington [November 2093 - October 2094] [May 2095 - July 2095]

♚ The Magical Side
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Hogwarts Year: Seventh
Wand Type: 13" cypress with a phoenix core, unyielding
Patronus: He is currently unable to produce one [and he has tried numerous times to produce one]
Boggart: Seeing himself drowning in the ocean

♚ Appearance
Height: 5'11"
Hair: Dark brown, fluffy, and always styled the same way
Eye Color: Brown
Build: Semi-leaned and toned
Defining Features: He has this tattoo on his left arm. It's a magical tattoo, so the stars twinkle at nighttime. He also has this Leo tattoo on his right wrist.

♚ Timeline
Primary Wizarding School: January 2079 - June 2089
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: September 2089 - Present
Slytherin Prefect: September 2094 [Term 48] - Present
Slytherin Quidditch Team: Term 48 [as a reserve]
The King of Drama Club: Term 47 [Sir Luckless in The Fountain of Fair Fortune] & Term 48 [Oz in The Wizard of Oz]
Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts: September 2096 - Present

♚ Filmography
Theatre Productions
Sir Luckless in The Fountain of Fair Fortune: Spring 2094 at Hogwarts
Oz in The Wizard of Oz: Spring 2095 at Hogwarts
Bert in Mary Poppins: Summer 2095 in London, England
Cosmo Brown in Singin' in the Rain: Summer 2096 in London, England
♚ Personality
Flynn is not the nicest Slytherin at Hogwarts, especially towards certain people and years, but he's very protective of his little sister. Once you get to know him, you probably still won't like him, but he has a good heart... sometimes, depending on who you are. He really doesn't like most people and tends to call younger students "larvae."

He always speaks before he thinks, so be prepared. This is your one and only warning.

♚ History
Flynn Oisin Kowalski was born on December 14, 2077. He was born in Warsaw, Poland as an only child to Melania Kowalski. Because his mother travelled a lot for her journalistic work, baby Flynn was raised by Grandma Morelia Kowalski and Grandpa Leonard Kowalski.

He had a couple lonely childhood years until his sister, Anastasie, joined him on December 24, 2079. Now with another kid to support, Melania had to work even more to give money to her parents so they could take care of her children. She took up odd hours, worked every story that she could get, and her parents continued to take care of both Flynn and Anastasie. During this time, Flynn and Anastasie grew close, and they have been close every since. Of course, like any siblings would, they do have their arguments and disagreements.

In January 2079, Flynn began his infant studies at Wizarding Primary School. He continued his education there until it was time for him to go to Hogwarts; he boarded the Hogwarts Express for the first time on September 1, 2089. Like any 11-year-old child, he was nervous, but he was very good at not showing it; however, unlike the other kids in his year, his sorting ceremony went a little different. The sorting hat wanted to sort Flynn Kowalski into Gryffindor, sensing that he had courage within, but he also had self-preservation flowing through his veins. He was on the stool for a good 5 minutes before the hat finally sorted him into Slytherin, which was where he wanted to be.

Flynn's relationship with his mother began to crumble when he was 13-years-old. He has accused her of "abandoning" him and his sister, and he resented her more when she would not tell him who his father was. To this day, their relationship has not been mended.

SPOILER!!: Hogwarts Adventures: Quick Tidbits for Future References
SPOILER!!: The First Year [Term 43]
Flynn was not played on site during this time, but here's some known canon information: he made friends with Vivian Fairfield, Skylar Diggory, and Hattie Patton, who were all in the same year as him. He also became close friends with Olivia Phillips, who was a year older than him.

SPOILER!!: The Second Year [Term 44]
Flynn was not played on site during this time, but rest assured, he got into trouble a lot.

SPOILER!!: The Third Year [Term 45]
Flynn was not played on site during this time, but he probably still caused trouble.

SPOILER!!: The Fourth Year [Term 46]
Flynn was not played on site during this time, but could he possibly be maturing now? .... nah, he's still a trouble-maker.

SPOILER!!: The Fifth Year [Term 47]
Flynn's fifth year consisted of fights and creating enemies. It was during this year that he began dating Felicity Harrington, after she made an attempt to ruin their date. Because he was dating Felicity, he made an enemy with Valko Petrov. Correction: Flynn saw him as an enemy when he really wasn't all because Valko fancied Felicity. Yes, this was the first of many times that Flynn showed his insecurities. Flynn may or may not have started numerous fights with Valko, none of which ended well.

He also became enemies with Torrance Primeaux-Spades. The two of them got into multiple brawls over the term.

He started a rumor about Skylar [about her liking him after she kissed him in the common room] that spread through the whole school, and he never did tell his friend that he started it.

He tried out for the school play as a joke, but he ended up landing the role of Sir Luckless in The Fountain of Fair Fortune. This was the beginning of his love for theatre and his tolerance for Paul "Old Man" Myers.

He became best friends with dormmate, Apollo Kennedy.

He also turned Farah Dubey into a bird - yeah, she annoyed him.

He also became friends with Dora Umbridge and Sam Mooney.

SPOILER!!: OWL Results


Pass Grades

Fail Grades

FLYNN KOWALSKI has achieved:
HISTORY OF MAGIC P [did not retake]

SPOILER!!: The Sixth Year [Term 48]

Flynn Kowalski received a Prefect's badge.

Because of this, this year was filled with power and authority, even though he skipped out on a lot of patrolling and Prefect duties. He would tell you he didn't though, of course. He was co-Prefects with his friend, Vivian Fairfield, and nobody died this term thanks to them.

He made the Slytherin Quidditch team as a reserve, and he was known not to have a happy attitude when they lost. Luckily, they won the Quidditch cup this term.

He was casted as Oz in The Wizard of Oz play. He also became close to Paul "Old Man" Myers, and he even told him about his interest to pursue acting after graduation.

Flynn and Felicity broke up for 7-months due to him cheating on her with Sachiko Shiradou-Morrison. He begged for her forgiveness, and they began slowly working things out. Sachiko and Flynn are not friends anymore, even though he tried to mend that friendship. He misses her, but he will not admit it to anyone.

Tejashree "Teddy" Peale admitted her love for Flynn this year, but after taking her on a date, he decided he only wanted to be friends.

Jessa Cambridge, co-Prefect, and Flynn caused shenanigans in Professor Ignatius Noble's office when they broke in and tried taking back a book he had stolen. In the end: Jessa got caught and Flynn fled the scene, causing an unrepairable damage to happen to their acquaintanceship. They have not spoken since.

He was also one of the students possessed in the Dufftown accident.

In the summer after his sixth year, his mother kicked him out of the house due to him "disrespecting her." He stayed with Felicity and her dads for a week or so before moving in with Lunetta Valla in London, England. He pays nothing to live with her.

He auditioned for Mary Poppins over the summer, which was being produced by a small theatre company in London, and got casted as Bert. The show ran for two weekends in August.

SPOILER!!: The Seventh Year [Term 49]
He became actively involved in Drama Club, so he did not try out for Quidditch this year so that he could put all his attention on his future acting career.

He met Archie Vorpatril [former Ravenclaw] in Hogsmeade in September 2095, and they began to officially date in November 2095.

He was attacked by the Inferi, which left him in the hospital for a few days where he had surgery to mend some damage nerves in both his arms and abdomen. He stayed with the Ogdens after he was released from the hospital, and they made sure to find a healer that could heal all the scars on his body.

He only came back to Hogwarts for the feast.

He took his NEWTs during the summer.



Pass Grades

Fail Grades

FLYNN KOWALSKI has achieved:

♚ In-Depth Information
Personality Type: ENTREPRENEUR (ESTP-A).
Likes: He does enjoy manipulating people and messing with their emotions; however, that stuff is frowned upon so....
Dislikes: Oceans, first years, and Ravenclaws
Strongest Subjects: Astronomy & Potions
Weakest Subjects: Herbology & History of Magic
Guilty Pleasure: Musicals
Allergies: Wheat/Gluten
Anything else that needs to be known? He can't swim

♚ The Kowalski Family
Father: Jasper Michael Somerhalder [he doesn't know who his father is]
Mother: Melania Roza Kowalska
Sister: Anastasie Leanne Kowalska (b. 24 Dec 2079) [typically spells her name as “Kowalski” when in the UK]

The rest of the Kowalski family can be found here.

Former US Ambassador to France
Department of International Cooperation
Face Claim: Jeff Goldblum

SPOILER!!: Dorian O'Neill

Full Name: Dorian Leopold O'Neill
Nickname: Dor; use to be called "Ian" during his school years
Date of Birth: October 31, 2043
Place of Birth: Gulf Shores, Alabama
Current Residence: London, England
Other Residencies (in order): Salem, Massachusetts; London, England; New York City, New York; Paris, France; Cambridge, England
Primary Language: English
Secondary Languages: French and Korean
Relationship Status: Dating Emerald Jones

Heritage: Muggleborn
Primary Education: Muggle Schooling
Standard Education: Illvermorny [Horned Serpent]
High Education: Wizarding Uni, Salem & London Campus
Wand Type: 12.5", Fir wood, Dragon Heartstring core, quite rigid
Patronus: A Cobra

Past Jobs: MACUSA Employee [International Cooperation; Foreign Relations Officer]; US Ambassador to France; Ministry of Magic Employee [International Cooperation]: Foreign Relations Officer & Liaison to the Press

Height: 6 foot 2 inches
Hair Color: Grey; something he's come to terms with since he started going grey at the early age of 40
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Defining Features: He has this tattoo on his left rib cage, which was started when he was 20-years-old and was completed by the time he was 25-years-old
Face Claim: Jeff Goldblum


Attended Illvermorny: 2055 - 2062
Attended Wizarding Uni, Salem Campus: 2062 - 2064
Major: Diplomacy and Wizarding Relations with an emphasis on Wizarding Law
Minor: Foreign Language

Married Siroun Lin: April 2, 2063
Wizarding Law Firm Internship: 2064 - 2066
Wizarding Law Firm Associate: 2066 - 2067

Divorced Siroun Lin: December 12, 2067
Moved to London, England: 2068
Attended Wizarding Uni, London Campus: 2068 - 2070
Major: Diplomacy and Wizarding Relations with an emphasis on International Relations

Moved to New York City, New York: 2070
International Cooperation at MACUSA: 2070 - 2080
US Ambassador to France: 2080 - 2093
Moved to Paris, France: 2080
Married Suzanne Yoon: July 12, 2083
Divorced Suzanne Yoon: November 20, 2089
Married Bodhi Greer: May 20, 2092
Divorced Bodhi Greer: June 13, 2093
International Cooperation at the Ministry of Magic: 2094 - Present
Entrepreneur [Black Market Sales]: 2080 - 2093; 2095 - Present


The Early Years
Dorian Leopold O'Neill was born on Halloween Night in Gulf Shores, Alabama to a seafood restaurant owner, Henry, and a veterinarian, Penelope. He grew up a semi-normal muggle childhood up until his magical abilities began to show when he was 7-years-old. It was a struggle for his parents to deal with this, and he was kept in muggle schooling until he got his letter from Illvermorny. Everything got turned upside down in his family, and his parents were contemplating about sending him to this strange school up North. Eventually, they gave in, knowing that he needed to learn how to control his magic, especially after he almost 'accidentally' setting the kitchen on fire.

Illvermorny Years
So his wizarding life begins.

He was sorting into Horned Serpent and had no trouble making friends in his house (and even some from other houses too!) In his first year, he enjoyed spending a lot of time in the library where he learned about the history of the school and about wizards, in general. He loved going to class and learning, and even in his fourth year, he tried out for the Quodpot team..... but didn't make it, unfortunately. It was then that he decided to master Wizarding Chess and became the top player in the club. It was in his seventh year that he knew he wanted to do something with Foreign Relations because he wanted to travel the world and learn different cultures.


Ancient Runes: A
Arithmancy: O
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: Not taken
Charms: E
DADA: Not taken
Divination: O
Flying: A
Herbology: E
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O

Ancient Runes: Not taken
Arithmancy: E
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: Not taken
Charms: O
DADA: Not taken
Divination: E
Flying: Not taken
Herbology: E
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O

After Graduation
He knew that he wanted to continue his education after Illvermorny, and he got accepted into Wizarding University in Salem, Massachusetts where he learned about Diplomacy and Wizarding Relations [with more emphasis on Law]. While he was there, he also learned how to speak French. Not fluently at first, but he did master the language later on in life. Upon graduation from Wizarding U, he got accepted at an Internship in a Magical Law Firm in Salem. He spent two years at this internship then got hired on as an associate. He continued to work at the firm until deciding that he did not want to continue his career as a Lawyer, and that's when he applied for Wizarding University in London, England.

He attended Wizarding U in London, England where he expanded on his knowledge in Diplomacy and Wizarding Relations, but this time, he was learning more about International Relations. He spent two hard years learning, studying, and excelling in his exams. Upon graduation, he applied for MACUSA and got accepted into their International Cooperation department. He worked there for a decade when a position opened up to be the USA Ambassador for France, and since he was knowledge in foreign relations and in the language, he applied for the position. It took a few months to hear back, but he got the job!

He worked as the USA Ambassador for France in 2080 and stepped down in 2093. The decision to step down from the job he loved so much did not come easy. He was diagnosed with a blockage in his heart in the Spring 2093. Due to the stress of his job, his healer at the time suggested that he find a less stressful work environment until he (hopefully) gets better. Not wanting to go back to MACUSA, he applied for the Ministry of Magic. His application was accepted, the interview went well, and he got a job in the Department of International Magical Cooperation.

He is currently a Foreign Relations Officer and the Liaison to the Press for DIMC.

He met Siroun Lin during his Illvermorny years. They first met as young first years and became very close friends. It was not until their fifth year that they began dating. He proposed after graduation, and they got married on April 2, 2063. Everything in their lives was fine and dandy until Dorian decided he wanted to continue his education in London. Siroun refused to move with him, and after months of arguing, she left. Divorce papers were sent and everything was finalized on December 12, 2067. He learned soon after that Siroun was pregnant with his first (and only) child. Veronica Rey was born on August 14, 2068. Upon moving to New York City in 2070, he tried to get back with Siroun, but nothing came of it. He did help raise his daughter and tried to be a good father to her.

He met Suzanne Yoon during his time in Paris, France (2080), and they got married in a small ceremony on July 12, 2083. She had a 4-year-old daughter at the time, Hei Ran, who he became close to during his marriage to Suzanne. He treated the girl as if she was his own daughter, and even after he and Suzanne divorced on November 20, 2089 due to many disagrees [and his busy work life], he still kept in touch with Hei. He still, to this day, keeps in touch with Hei and treats her the same way he treats his other daughter, Kalila.

Fast forward one year later in 2090, he met Bodhi Greer during a little trip to London, England. He kept in touch with her throughout the following year, and even though he knew he was moving too fast, he proposed to Bodhi September 2091, and they got married on May 20, 2092. This was a very short lived marriage [possibly due to how fast it moved], and they divorced on June 13, 2093. He still keeps in touch with his step-daughter from that marriage, Effie Greer.

Personality Type: THE COMMANDER (ENTJ-A)
Meaning: "Commanders are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves. Perhaps it is best that they make up only three percent of the population, lest they overwhelm the more timid and sensitive personality types that make up much of the rest of the world – but we have Commanders to thank for many of the businesses and institutions we take for granted every day."

Likes: Star Wars, books, seafood, cardigans
Dislikes: getting older
Guilty Pleasure: Country Music
Allergies: None
Other: He's ambidextrous

Father: Henry Jackson O'Neill (d. August 28, 2018)
Mother: Penelope Stella O'Neill (née Miller) (d. March 3, 2017)
Siblings: Valerian O'Neill✝ ; Lillian O'Neill
• Veronica Rey O'Neill (d. August 14, 2068)
Effie Greer
Pets: Kylo

Former British MLE Department Head
Forever Shakespeare's #1 Fan
Face Claim: Chris Pine

SPOILER!!: Samuel McDean
✘ Basics
Full Name: Samuel Leonardo McDean
Nicknames: Sam, Sammy Boy, Mr. Awesome
Date of Birth: July 10, 2047
Age: You can do the math...
Place of Birth: London, England
Current Residence: London, England
Heritage: Half and half (mother is muggle; father is pureblood)
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Relationship Status: Single

Wand: 10.7 inches, Willow wood, Unicorn Hair core, spinnable
Boggart: His dad saying he disappointed him
Patronus: Penguin

Post Color: #A90000

✘ Appearance
Height: 5'11
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Defining Feature(s): --

Sam has naturally blonde hair that he keeps in the same style almost all the time. His casual style of clothing consists of a worn out pair of blue jeans, an orange polo shirt, and a pair of sneakers. At work though, he will usually be seen wearing khaki pants, a button down shirt, and the same ole sneakers you would see him wearing out and about in town... yeah, he's not THAT fashionable during the weekdays! Or at all. Being 5 ft 11, it doesn't make him the tallest of his family but he sure is the most handsome one!

✘ Personality
After holding two very important positions at the Ministry of Magic, Sam has turned into quite a workaholic. He enjoys going to work everyday because it isn't all about paperwork and meetings to him; it's about meeting new people, having fun WHILE you work, and the surprises that await you each day you walk into your office. If Sam isn't working, he can usually be found hanging out with his fat cat, Mr. Pumpkin Jr. (son of deceased older cat, Mr. Pumpkin) in his apartment where he watches TV and eats junk food. Once a week, he tries to make an appearance in Diagon Alley to see his friends if his schedule allows it.

If any acquaintances remember something about Samuel McDean, it would be his passion for Shakespeare. He will talk none stop about everything Shakespeare if someone would listen to him and shockingly!!! he has a huge passion for Broadway shows which opened the door to his admiration for Shakespeare. This man has all of Shakespeare's plays in one bookshelf and reads one of them at least once a month. Also, Sam use to own a Shakespeare action figure (quill and all!) until someone *COUGH*LimaDarcy*COUGH* had stolen it from him and they did return it; however, they returned it... piece by piece.

✘ Career Timeline
2068(ish) - 2070: British Ministry of Magic Accident and Catastrophes Division Head
2071: British Ministry of Magic Law Enforcement Department Head
2071 - 2073: American Ministry of Magic Law Enforcement Investigator
2073 - 2083: American Ministry of Magic Law Enforcement Department Head
2083 - 2089: American Ministry of Magic Personal Assistant to the Law Enforcement Department Head
2089 - 2090: British Ministry of Magic Law Enforcement
2091 - Present:

✘ Background
Sam’s father died in November 2055 because of some horrible health issues. It wasn’t until Samuel was eleven years old that he fully understood his father wasn’t coming back, which brought a lot of grief on the young boy. In fact, he was in so much grief that he strayed away from his family. He never came home from winter breaks, and he would usually stay somewhere else during summer vacations to avoid seeing his family. All this avoidance caused the rest of the McDean boys to slowly turn away from their older brother because they were grieving their father's death, and "their older brother was suppose to be there for them during this time". Most of his brothers even began to start a sibling rivalry with him since he was never there.

Samuel and his stepdad, Fredrick Andrews, never got along after the boy turned eleven years old. His stepdad always went on about how Sam never has a stable relationship with a girl, and his famous quote that Samuel heard repeatedly since he’s been thirteen was: "You will die a lonely man if you keep this up." Even though Fredrick wished the quote would effect the boy somehow, it never did. He still continued to date girls for no longer than a two month period.

There is also this rumor going around the family that Sam is not getting any money from Fredrick’s will once the man dies. If it's true or not, no one really knows for sure. Why was Frederick like this with Sam? If you ask his mother, it's because Frederick wanted Sam to like him, but Sam thought Frederick was trying to replace his father and never wanted to think anything differently.

After graduating in 2064, Sam moved into a little flat exactly twenty miles away from his family. He picked up a job at the Ministry in the Magical Accidents and Catastrophes Department in the Invisibility Task Force Division. He worked there for two straight years.

In 2066, Sam quit the Ministry and moved to New York, New York due to the fact that he wanted to try to go into the acting business since he always enjoyed acting ever since his Aunt took him to muggle plays every summer until he turned thirteen. There was also some part of him that wanted to move further away from his family because he wanted to get AWAY from the sibling rivalry that had been going on for years.

Sadly, Sam failed miserably at acting. He ended up having to go to an acting coach, who took two years to try to teach him the “right” way of acting. Even though he took two years of coaching, he still couldn’t act worth a flip. So, instead of working on stage, he decided to work behind the stage working with the lights and props. He did that for two years. Believe it or not, he began to LOVE Shakespeare after working with drama folks. Not that he helped in any Shakespeare plays, but he began to make friends with people who adored the play writer.

After the two years passed, Samuel got a call from one of his friends back in London, and he learned that the MoM's Accidents and Catastrophes Department had a Division Head opening. His friend suggested he should take it. After a few hours of debating, he finally sent in his application and began to move back to London. It took a few days for him to find a nice flat to live in and once he got settled in, he received a notification that his application had been accepted.

He worked as a Division Head in the Ministry for a while, and then the position for a Law Enforcement Department Head arose. Sam decided he wanted to take a bigger step into being a leader. He also kind of wanted to get away from Dan, who was a Division Head for Accidents and Catastrophes at the time. Plus, Law Enforcement was what Sam wanted to do when he was in Hogwarts, but he ended up working for Accidents and Catastrophes (obviously!) He applied for the position as Department Head, and he got it! Sam spent a few months working as Department Head before he decided to turn in his position and move to America where he began work at the American Ministry. The reason behind this is unknown to a lot of people, but one reason could be that he just wanted to get out of London and try other things.

While in America for the second time, Sam met a nice girl named Emma Cobblesten. They had a relationship that lasted for three years (2074 - 2077). Mind you, that was the LONGEST relationship Samuel McDean had ever been involved in. Sam and Emma welcomed a baby girl, Juliette Renée, on July 9, 2075. The couple decided to break up in 2077 because they were slowly starting to grow apart.

He worked at the American Ministry for two years as a Law Enforcement Investigator, then he applied for a Law Enforcement Department Head position when it opened. He received the promotion and worked at the Law Enforcement Department Head up until he decided to step down in 2083 so that he would have more time with his family. He continued to work in Law Enforcement but as the Personal Assistant to the new Law Enforcement Department Head. He work as a Personal Assistant until 2089 when he decided to pack up all his belongings and move back to London with his daughter, Juliette.

He currently lives in an apartment (just like old times!) while his daughter gets to experience life at Hogwarts since she had been homeschooled for fourteen years.

✘ Facts
• having a wonderful family
• being the best at his job
• enjoying life to the fullest degree

• the rivalry between his brothers
• his stepdad

Allergies: Peanut Butter (HIGHLY allergic!)
Favorite Subject: DADA
Worst Subject: Divination

✘ Family
Father: Harrison "Barney" McDean ✝
Mother: Sophia Andrews (née Reynolds)
Step-father: Frederick Andrews

Cousin(s): Nolan Reynolds

Niece: Kyra Shae McDean

• Logan Kingsley McDean (b. 2048)
Daniel "Dan" DaVinci McDean (b. 2051)
• Nicholas "Nick" Evan McDean (b. 2052)
Arielle Bliss McDean (b. 2055)

Children: Juliette Renée McDean

Nieces: Naida McDean
Nephew: Oliver McDean

Pet(s): A fat orange cat named Pumpkin Jr.

Former Hufflepuff; Hogwarts Class of 2093
Lover of Sunflowers
Face Claim: Ashley Bensen

SPOILER!!: Juliette McDean

☼ The Basics
Full Name: Juliette Renée McDean
Nicknames: Either Julie or Jules
Date of Birth: July 9, 2075
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York
Current Residence: London, England
Heritage: Halfblood
Relationship Status: Hmmmm.

☼ Education
Homeschooled in New York, NY: 2086 - 2089
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: 2089 - 2093

☼ She's Magical
Wand: 9", Holly Wand, Unicorn Hair, Flexible
Patronus: Unknown
Amorentia: Pumpkin, fresh linen, and pine trees

☼ Appearance
Height: 5'1"
Hair: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Defining Feature(s): She has a scar near her ankle from where she was attacked by a neighbor's cat when she was a toddler

☼ Background
Juliette Renée McDean was born in Brooklyn, New York to Samuel Dean, who was the Law Enforcement Department Head at the American Ministry of Magic at the time, and Emma Cobblesten. The romantic relationship between Emma and Samuel came to an end two years after Juliette was born. It was agreed between the two parents that they would have joint custody of Juliette, but she would live with Samuel in New York until she was old enough to make her own decisions.

Little Juliette was a very active toddler and participated in a lot of activities. She took ballet classes when she was four years old, and that escalated into gymnastics at seven years old. She continued gymnastics until she was twelve years old; she stopped after she fell off the balancing beam one day and broke her ankle. Ever since then, she's been afraid of heights and scared of falling.

When she was eleven years old, Juliette began homeschool. Her teacher was the daughter of one of her father's friends. She had showed interest of attending Illvermorny at the time, but she had friends in the neighborhood that would be attending homeschool, so she decided to stay with them. She learned magic at home until she turned thirteen and her father moved them to London, England due to "work related stuff" and "wanting to be closer to family." He was starting his new job at the Ministry in January 2089, and she was not pleased, but she knew arguing would get her no where.

For Juliette, London was not home, and she was out of school until September arrived. She tried keeping in touch with her homeschool teacher via webcam, but it became increasingly hard as time rolled by. She spent most of her free time reading books and looking for ballet classes around the area, thinking getting back into an activity that was familiar to her would help with settling into her new home.

September arrived quickly, and she found herself on the Hogwarts Express and waving goodbye to her father for the first time ever. She would be spending months away from him. It was new to her, but she was excited (and nervous) about Hogwarts and meeting knew friends.

She began walked through the doors to Hogwarts for the first time in September 2089 and got sorted into Hufflepuff. She has been promoting Badger pride every since.

☼ Family
Mother: Emma Cobblesten
Father: Samuel Leonardo McDean

Sibling: --

Aunt: Arielle McDean
Uncles: Logan McDean, Daniel McDean, and Nicholas McDean
Cousins: Kyra Shae McDean

☼ Fun Facts
Post Color: Indigo
Fluent Languages: English (& wants to learn Japanese)
Favorite Animal: Butterfly
Biggest Fear: Heights (Mostly just the falling part of it...)

Professional Quidditch & Gobstones Commentator
Face Claim: Ryan Reynolds

SPOILER!!: Logan McDean
✣ The Basics
Full Name: Logan Kingsley McDean
Nicknames: None
Date of Birth: April 22, 2048
Place of Birth: London, England
Current Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada
Heritage: Halfblood
Ilvermorny House: Horned Serpent
Relationship Status: Dating Seraphina Daniels

Wand: 9", Hornbeam, Dragon Heartstring
Boggart: Clowns - doesn't care if they look friendly or not
Patronus: Ant

Post Color: #404040
Face Claim: Ryan Reynolds

✣ Education & Career

Former Job(s): Bartender (2066 - 2072); Department of Magical Games and Sports Employee (2091 - 2096)
Current Job(s): Professional Quidditch (& occasionally Gobstones) Commentator (2072 - Present)

Illvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: 2059 - 2066
Wizarding University, Wellington Campus: 2067 - 2071
Major: Magical Sports Science and Management
Minor: Wizarding Communications

✥ Appearance
Height: 6'1
Hair: Dirty blonde almost brown
Eye Color: Brown, just like his mother
Defining Feature(s): --

✥ Personality
Three words to describe him: determined, hardworking, and friendly.

You could win his heart over if you bring him Chinese food.

✥ Background
Logan McDean was the second child of Harrison and Sophia McDean. He grew up in a semi-normal childhood -- well, as normal as it could be growing up around mostly boys until his little sister, Arielle, arrived in 2055. Tragedy struck the family of seven when Harrison McDean passed away in November 2055 due to some horrible health issues. The death of their father drove a wedge between the siblings, causing the oldest son, Samuel McDean, to abandon ship leaving Logan to feel as if he needed to take over the role of older brother, which he did, especially to his little sister, Arielle.

In Summer 2059, Logan received his letter to Hogwarts; however, due to his older brother, Samuel, attending the same school, he decided to attend Illvermorny. He still felt the pain of his older brother abandoning the family to go live with their grandmother all those years ago, and he wanted nothing more than to be as far away as possible from him. He never once regretted his decision to go to a different school because he enjoyed his time in America knowing that he would eventually like to live there.

During his Illvermorny years, he learned that he rather enjoyed Magical Sports, having picked up tips on how the games were played in his first two years. In his third year, he began commentating different games each weekend, and it was then that he found what he wanted to do for a living. In his fourth year, he met Shaela King, who he began dating a year later.

After graduation, Logan and Shaela moved to Sydney, Australia where Shaela's family lived. The couple welcomed their first child together, Kyra, in June 2066. To help raise the little once, Logan picked up a job as a bartender at a pub near their house, but he had dreams to attend Wizarding University, and he knew it would be hard to go to work and school all while raising a child, but he did not give up. He applied for Wizarding University at the Wellington Campus for Spring 2067 and was accepted.

He attended WU, but since he also had a family to take care of, he was forced to take a couple classes each semester, which caused him to graduate late. He graduated in Fall 2071 with a degree in Magical Sports Science and Management, which he used to get him a job as a Professional Quidditch Commentator. He commented for Quidditch for a few years before also expanding his talent into Gobstones Commentating in 2076.

In January 2090, Logan and Shaela filed for divorce after twenty-two years of marriage; their divorce was finalized in March 2090. He began seeing Professional Quidditch Player, Seraphina Daniels, in January 2090, and the two lovebirds are welcoming their first child in 2091.

✥ Family

Mother: Sophia Andrews (née Reynolds)
Father: Harrison Barney McDean ✝
Step-father: Frederick Andrews

Girlfriend: Seraphina Esmeralda Daniels
Ex-Spouse: Shaela Lindsey King (divorced March 2090)
• Kyra Shae McDean (b. 2066 June 20)
• William Alexander McDean (b. 2091 June 11)
• Tadhg Neffler (b. 2091 July 17)
• Samuel McDean
Daniel McDean
• Nicholas McDean
Arielle McDean
• Juliette Renée McDean

• Naida McDean
Nephews: Oliver McDean

Cousins: Nolan Reynolds

Hogwarts Class of 2084; WADA Graduate 2088
Currently on Broadway in New York, NY
Face Claim: Sara Sampaio

SPOILER!!: Kyra McDean
→ The Basics
Full Name: Kyra Shae McDean
Nicknames: Ky, only if you are friends with her
Date of Birth: June 20, 2066
Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia
Current Residence: New York, NY
Heritage: Halfblood
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Relationship Status: Single

Former Jobs: --
Current Job: Broadway

Wand: 8", Birch wood, Phoenix Feather core, swishy
Boggart: A hoard of cockroaches
Patronus: A wolf

Post Color: Dark Orchid

→ Appearance
Height: 5'6
Hair: Brunette
Eye Color: Green
Defining Feature(s): She has a tattoo on her hip of the word "Hope" written in Chinese.

→ Background
Kyra Shae McDean was born in Sydney, Australia on June 20, 2066 to Logan Kingsley McDean and Shaela Linsey King. Logan and Shaela were not married at the time of their daughter's birth, but they did get married two years later when Kyra was old enough to be the flower girl.

Growing up, Kyra had a normal childhood. Her father continued his education at Wizarding University with a major in Magical Sports Science & Management; he worked part-time at a restaurant to help raise his daughter until he graduated WU in 2071. Her mother stayed at home with Kyra until she was eleven then her mother began working on opening up her own bakery, which was opening in 2080 and is still popular in her town today.

In 2077, Kyra began her Hogwarts journey. She was sorted into Ravenclaw due to the sorting hat seeing extreme potential in her to succeed in school, even though she had Slytherin-attitude within her. The sorting hat was not wrong though because throughout her years in school, Kyra excelled in everything she did. She received outstanding scores on both her OWLs and NEWTs. It was her fifth year at Hogwarts that the young Ravenclaw decided she wanted to go into theatre for a living, and her dream to be on the big stage followed her throughout the rest of her Hogwarts years and right on into the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts (WADA).

In WADA, Kyra worked on both performing and singing on stage. It was at school where she realized that she had a high vocal range; it was also at WADA that she found her agent, Brielle Abrams. Brielle saw potentional in the girl during one of her WADA performances, and as soon as Kyra graduated in 2088, Brielle took her under her wing.

In February 2090, Brielle got Kyra an audition for Jasmine in Broadway's Aladdin; however, that fell through. It was fate though because two days later, Brielle got a call from her friend, who was working on stage for Broadway's Beauty and the Beast, about an audition opening. Kyra was rushed in for an audition, and it seemed like forever until she got the news that the director had chosen her to be Belle.

→ Family
Children: Tadhg Bailin Logan Neffler (b. 2091 July 17)

Mother: Shaela Linsey McDean (née King)
Father: Logan Kingsley McDean
Siblings: William Alexander McDean (half-brother)

Aunt: Arielle McDean
• Samuel McDean
Daniel McDean
• Nicholas McDean

Cousins: Juliette McDean

Pets: A black Siberian Husky named Link, and a brown Siberian Husky named Zelda.

Kenmare Kestrel Seeker
Doctors Without Borders Volunteer
Face Claim: Shay Mitchell

SPOILER!!: Naida McDean
⇰ The Basics
Full Name: Naida (NAY-duh) Lillian Strauss-McDean [may be called Naida McDean]
Nickname: None
Date of Birth: October 31, 2071
Place of Birth: Cape Town, South Africa
Current Residence: Cape Town, South Africa
Heritage: Pureblood
Relationship Status: It's complicated

Former Jobs: Student
Current Job: Office Volunteer at Doctors Without Borders

Post Color: #CC0066

⇰ Education & Career
Uagadou School of Magic: 2083 - 2090
Doctors Without Borders Office Volunteer: 2090 - Present

⇰ Appearance
Height: 5'5
Hair: Dark brown, almost black
Eye Color: Brownl
Defining Feature(s): She's looks very much like her late father

⇰ Family
Mother: Azelle Jewel Strauss (née Obi) ✝
Father: Idris Lucian Strauss ✝
Adoptive Father: Nicholas Evan McDean

Sibling via Adoption: Oliver McDean
Cousins via Adoptions:
• Juliette Renée McDean
• Kyra Shae McDean
Aunt via Adoption: Arielle McDean
Uncles via Adoption:
• Samuel McDean
• Logan McDean
Daniel McDean

Former Slytherin Prefect [Term 24]; Hogwarts Class of 2071
Currently: Full-time Mother & Clothes Shoppe Co-Owner
Face Claim: Lori Loughlin (Older) & Ashley Tisdale (Younger)

SPOILER!!: Reese Fritzera

☀ Basics
Full Name: Reese Selena Fritzera (née Upstead)
Nicknames: Reesey, Ree-La, and Reeses Pieces
Date of Birth: September 1, 2052.
Place of Birth: Sutton Coldfield, England
Current Residence: Ballycastle, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Heritage: Halfblood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Relationship Status: Married to her Prince Charming, Jack Fritzera ♥

Former Jobs: Singer & Waitress
Current Job: Clothes Shoppe Co-Owner alongside longtime best friend, Emiliano Saenz

Wand: 11.5 inches, Birch wood, Phoenix feather core, swishy
Boggart: A tarantula
Patronus: A petite bunny rabbit

Post Color: #0059FF

☀ Appearance
Height: 5'7
Hair: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Defining Feature(s): --

Reese has naturally curly hair that is never really seen in public unless she is too lazy to get the straightener out that morning. Her hair is most of the time fashioned in a down style kind of way, but that doesn't mean she does not like wearing her hair in a pigtail or bun. She has chocolate brown eyes that are her best feature; however, she does have a 'want' for blue eyes.

She adores green converses or any color converses for that matter. If she is not styling off her converses, she will be wearing a nice pair of heels (that AREN'T ugly, Torin Kane *AHEM*) that she tries to correspond to her outfit of the day. Usually, this girl likes wearing a comfortable pair of blue jeans, a nice shirt, and a few pieces of jewelry. She does own some really nice dresses that she'll wear on different occasions.

Note: She will ALWAYS have a big purse with her. How else would she carry all her make up and other (useless) items.

☀ Personality
Reese is what some people classify as 'The Crazy Woman'. She has a tendency to throw kitchen utensils if she gets really upset with someone, and even though she can get mad, that doesn't mean that she won't be hugging you once she cools down. Her plans for each day of the year are to hang out with friends and go shopping! It's a wonder as to why this woman is not bankrupt yet because of her addiction to shopping. She is always supporting a smile upon her face (that's IF she isn't mad) and would choose to make all friends instead of enemies. Yet, you can't make friends without making a few enemies along the way.

Reese has a passion for music and she isn't afraid to let people know that. Even though she's been kicked out of the music business before, she still wants to sing her little heart out... and hopes someone is around to listen. Yes, this woman loves the spotlight. She has a talent to play the guitar, which she tries to play at least once a day if anything. Believe it or not, she also had a talent to skateboard because of her brother's passion for that hobby. It would be a shocker today if she was seen skateboarding since she said 'goodbye' to her board a long time ago.

☀ Background
Reese Upstead was born as Reese Selena Northway at 8:30 PM on September 1, 2052 in Sutton Coldfield, England. Her family at the time consisted of: her dad, Jake, who worked at the Ministry in the Department of Magical Transportation, her mom, Victoria, who was a stay at home mom who worked non-stop to keep the house cleaned, and her three year older brother, Ryan, who is a squib and performed at numerous skateboarding competitions throughout his younger life.

A year after Reese's birth, her mother left her father for reasons unknown. The Northway children stayed with their father and had no clue about their real mother because they were too young at the time to understand what was happening. Six months had passed before Jake got remarried to a woman named Lillian Matthews, who Reese and Ryan will know as "mom" since their dad kept telling them that it was their real mom, not letting either know any different. Though, as Ryan got older, he caught on to the fact that Lillian wasn't there real mom, but he was too scared to tell Reese anything so he sat by and watched his dad tell lies.

Her father's lies never did cease. When Reese started Hogwarts at the age of 11, her father told her that her brother had died in a tragic accident. The true story had been that their real mom (Victoria) had come back to London and took Ryan back to Ireland with her; she wanted to take Reese but she didn't want to have to deal with having to get her out of Hogwarts. To help Reese have another older sibling, her dad and who she thought was her real mother adopted a older son, Reno, during the summer of Reese's second year. Reno drove Reese away from home after she couldn't put up with his abusive ways of hitting her, and she ended up moving to live with her godmother, Elizabeth Turner.

Reese lived with her godmother for two years. During that time, she discovered the secrets her dad had been keeping from her her whole life. An old picture was found in the house and it revealed to the girl that Lillian was NOT her real mother. Her godmother found a way to let Reese get in touch with her mom, who lived in Ireland at the time, and then she soon found out that Ryan wasn't dead. The young girl was very happy about all the news and she continued to keep in touch with her mom throughout her fourth year. Just as thing started to get better, everything went down hill for Reese Northway. Her mother decided that she wanted Reese in Ireland with her and Ryan; she also wanted Reese to attend a private school for different reasons. She refused to move, but her mother had laid down the law.

Luckily, her mother had found someone up in Ireland that she soon married, Heath Upstead. Her mother moved back to England with Heath and when everything got settled down, Reese moved in with her mom and new stepdad. She soon realized that she was now related to the Hufflepuff that she met at Hogwarts, Jake Upstead. She was also a new sister to Dale Upstead, Heath's younger son. A few weeks after Reese settled into the house, Heath made the decision to adopt both her and Ryan, which legally changed their last name to Upstead. Nowadays, Reese refuses to be known as an 'Northway'. It brings back bad memories.

In 2071, Reese finished her education at Hogwarts and went off to bigger and better things. The young woman, who had been in the band Lima and the Lemurs, decided to go solo after graduation. She continued to work at the same studio that the band had recorded in and everything was going great until she lost her tempter. The manager had tried to tell her that the song they were recording wasn't "fit" for her, and Reese argued with him until she got to the point where she broke her wand in two because of her anger and left the studio.

She went unemployed for a few months until she picked up a job as a waitress in a very unpopular restaurant in London. She worked there until she had her first child, Georgina Whitney Fritzera, and then she quit. Her family moved to Ireland where her husband was playing for the Ballycastle Bats Quidditch Team as their Seeker, but she could not stay away from England.

She picked up work in England when she and her friend, Emiliano Saenz, opened up a clothing shoppe in 2075 together.

Nowadays, Reese is happily married to her Prince Charming, and they have two adorable children together.

☀ Facts
Likes:chocolate frogs (can't live without them!), shopping, singing, the spotlight, watching Quidditch, seafood, blueberry muffins, spending time with her buddies, being active, laughing, smiling, nice people, Slytherins, Gryffindors, her cell phone, her pets, and all her super duper awesome friends, butterbeer (though, she's still scared to drink it after the incident in her seventh year).

Dislikes: bullies, people who steal her chocolate frogs, love potions, the thought of having wrinkles, tarantulas, pet snakes.

• being famous
• live a long, fulfilling love
• being the best mother in the world

• her real dad and adopted brother coming back into her life
• loosing the ones she loves the most[/LIST]
☀ Family
Husband: Jack Tyler Fritzera
• Georgina Whitney Fritzera (b. May 23, 2074)
• Torin Jake "TJ" Fritzera (b. July 20, 2077)
• Marnie Irene Fritzera (b. August 19, 2083)
Mother: Victoria Upstead (née White)
Stepfather: Heath Upstead
Jake Upstead (stepbrother)
• Ryan Upstead (brother)
Father: Jake Northway (no communication)
Stepmother: Lillian Northway (no communication)
Adopted brother: Reno Northway (no communication)

English Teacher Abroad
Language enthusiast. Vegan.
Model: Tom Hiddleston

SPOILER!!: Milo Carmichael
⇨ Basics
Full Name: Milo Dawson Carmichael
Nicknames: None
Date of Birth: June 30, 2049
Place of Birth: Muskogee, Oklahoma
Current Residence: London, England
Heritage: Pureblood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Relationship Status: Dating Hogwarts Sweetheart, Daisy Mae Stark

Wand: 10", Willow, Veela
Boggart: A giant clown *runs and hides*
Patronus: Fox

Post Color: Dark Slate Blue

⇨ Appearance
Height: 6'2
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Defining Feature(s): He has a scar on his ankle that he has numerous stories to tell people how he got it -- pretty cool stories, mind you. What's the real story on how he got it, you ask? The world may never know.

⇨ Personality
Milo was a Slytherin in school, so he bleeds green and silver. He can be cunning and sneaky when he was to be, and if he needs to lie, he could do it (not that he goes out of his way to do so...) He is a very hardworking individual and strives for perfection.

On most days, the young old man is not so bad to be around. He may be stressed out due to having three girls to take care of (one of them is already graduated from school!). He loves talking about his family, and he enjoys having a good time with friends. You really wouldn't know he was a Slytherin unless you gave him a reason to show that side of him.

⇨ Timeline
September 2060 - June 2067: Attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
September 2067 - June 2071: Attended Wizard U
• majored in Behavioral Studies (Psychology)
• minored in Foreign Language
February 2070: Hazel Carmichael was born
2071 - 2082: Traveled Worldwide/Taught English in Costa Rica
2076: Milo and Daisy split
2082: Milo and Daisy got back together (true love finds a way...)
October 2083: Odeya Carmichael was born
2082 - 2088: Taught English in Japan
April 2087: Violet Carmichael was born
2088: Became a stay at home father
2089 - 2095: Ministry of Magic Employee [Magical Transportation]
2096 - Present: English Teacher

⇨ Background
Milo Dawson Carmichael was born on December in Muskogee, Oklahoma to William "Willie" Carmichael and Ava Carmichael (née Watson). He was the first child of the couple, but definitely not the last. The young boy got to enjoy one good year of being the only child before Jameson "Jamie" Carmichael was born. Unfortunately, Jamie was the last child Ava and Willie had before they divorced in 2057 when Milo was only eight years old.

In 2058, Milo's father married Carolina. The new couple had their first child, Theodore "Teddy", on January 28, 2064. In 2068, Carolina and Willie adopted a little girl, Serenity. She was three years old at the time. Milo was now the oldest brother of two brothers and one sister.

In Summer 2060, Milo received his letter to attend Hogwarts, which he had been looking forward to for years! He was ready to get out Muskogee, Oklahoma and live in London, England -- JOKE ON HIM! He got to attend Hogwarts, but he had to go back to Oklahoma for the summers. He had Southern blood in him and would never get it out.

At Hogwarts, Milo was sorted into the Slytherin house. His true green and silver colors showed while he was at school, which is why his patronus turned out to be a fox. He was very cunning and sneaky when he had to be. He succeeded in Charms and History of Magic while he attended school, and after graduating in June 2067, he continued his education at Wizard University.

He moved to London, England while he attended university.

Milo was a year shy of graduating Wizard University when his first daughter, Hazel Marie, was born. Since he was trying to finish school at the time, he did feel stressed since he was juggling both classes and a family, but he managed. He graduated Wizard University with a major Behavioral Studies and a minor in foreign languages.

He spent the following years traveling the world, seeing people and places, and teaching English to children in Costa Rica. He spent the weekends with his family in London, England. He continued this work for years (up until 2082).

In 2075, Milo and Daisy welcomed their second child, Odeya Louise. Unfortunately, a year after Odeya's birth, Milo and Daisy split and went their separate ways. They stayed seperated until 2082, and love brought them back together. The two Hogwarts Sweethearts couldn't stay apart.

Also, in 2082, Milo began working in Japan. He taught English to children there and would apparate back home every night. He wanted to be with his family as often as possible. In 2087, Milo and Daisy welcomed their third child, Violet Ava, and the birth of his third child was what made Milo realize he wanted to be with his family and not worry about work. He stayed home for the whole year of 2088.

In 2089, Milo decided to stay close to home and applied for the Ministry of Magic. He got a job in the Department of Transportation as a Carpet Regulations Specialist.

⇨ Facts
• horseback riding
• learning different languages
• his family
• learning new, interesting things
• people... sometimes
• when people lie to him
• haters hating Slytherin
• cheating
Allergies: Grapes
Favorite Subject: History of Magic
Worst Subject: Herbology and Potions

⇨ Family
Father: William "Willie" Carmichael
Mother: Ava Watson-Carmichael
Step-mother: Carolina Carmichael
Aunt(s): --
Uncle(s): --
Jameson "Jamie" Carmichael
Theodore "Teddy" Carmichael (half brother)
• Serenity Carmichael (adopted)
• Hazel Marie Carmichael
• Odeya Louise Carmichael
• Violet Ava Carmichael
Pet(s): None at the moment.

Muggle Studies Professor at Uagadou
Professional Dancer
Face Claim: Luke Evans

SPOILER!!: Donovan Berkovich
↬ The Basics
Full Name: Donovan Elijah Berkovich
Nicknames: Donny
Date of Birth: May 23, 2060
Place of Birth: Munich, Germany
Current Residence: Mumbai, India
Heritage: Muggleborn
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Relationship Status: Married to Keiyona Sai [since July 2092]

Wand: 7", vine wood, dragon heartstring, swishy
Boggart: his dead sister
Patronus: Fennec Fox

Post Color: #008B8B

↬ Appearance
Height: 6'2
Hair: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Light brown, almost hazel
Defining Features: He has the roman numerals "VIII XXX MMLXXVIII" tattoo'd over his left rib cage

FC: Luke Evans

Hogwarts [Slytherin]: Sept 2071 - June 2078
WADA [Dance]: Sept 2078 - June 2079
Dancing Competition [Second Place]: July 2079
WU, India [Major: History, Minor: DADA]: 2079 - 2082
Muggle Studies TA @ Uagadou: 2082 - 2084
Muggle Studies @ Illvermorny: 2084 - 2095
Horned Serpent HoH: 2090 - 2095
Muggle Studies @ Uagadou: 2095 - Present

↬ Background
Donovan Elijah Berkovich was born in Munich, Germany at 1:30a on May 23, 2060. He was the last child of Emilia Adali and Matthew Diedrick Berkovich. At the time of their son's birth, Emilia was a dentist, and Matthew was a Math Professor at a muggle elementary school in Germany. Both of them were prepared for their son to carry magical abilities because at the time of his birth, both of his older sisters, Adalie and Gabriele, were showing signs of being witches.

Donovan's childhood was as about as normal as it could get for anyone. He grew up by himself most of the time because after summer, both of his sisters went off to Hogwarts leaving him to attempt to make friends with the other children in his neighborhood. Growing up, he did spend a lot of time drawing and learning how to play the piano from his father. Among other things, his father also taught him the basics of dancing, which he carried with him later in life.

At 11 years old, Donovan received his letter to Hogwarts, which he had been waiting and waiting for. He was sure, as he boarded the Hogwarts Express for the first time, that he would either be sorted into Gryffindor, like Gabriele, or Hufflepuff, like Adalie. Disappointment fell when the sorting out put him in Slytherin where he was certain he would make no friends. Little did he know at the time that this house was exactly where he was suppose to be because the sorting hat saw something in him that he had not discovered for himself yet.

As years passed, Donovan was becoming more and more understanding as to why he was a Slytherin. He had the brains of a Ravenclaw, yes, but he had the ambition of a Slytherin. The ambition and the cunning-like senses. All the friends he made at Hogwarts were, in fact, Slytherins.

In 2077, Donovan was preparing himself for his last year at Hogwarts. He was preparing for his NEWTs as well! It was August 30, 2077 when news broke that his older sister, Gabriele, had tragically passed away. She was an Auror for MACUSA at the time {having moved to Orlando, Florida after graduation}, and she died during a mission. This was the worst event to ever happen in the Berkovich family, but through the tragedy, the family stayed strong for one another.

The death of his sister caused Donovan to miss his last beginning of the term feast, and it almost made him retake his final year due to struggling on his NEWTs. He did graduate though in 2078, and he moved on to WADA where he studied dance for a year.

In the summer of 2079, Donovan participated in a dancing competition that was held in Berlin, Germany. He came in second place. Even though he had a talent, he did not return to WADA for his second year. He had applied to Wizarding University and got accepted there for Fall 2079. He attended the Mumbai, India campus because he wanted to travel out of Germany for a few years, but little did he know, he would be living in India for years to come.

He met his now fiancée, Keiyona Sai, at the university, but they did not begin dating until after graduation in 2082. After graduation, Donovan got a teaching assistant job at Uagadou. He stayed there until 2084 where he was offered a Muggle Studies Professor job at Illvermorny, and he took it! He also became the Horned Serpent Head of House in 2090 when the position opened.

In 2090, Donovan proposed to Keiyona after 7 years of dating.

↬ Facts
Likes: being an Uncle, taking his fiancée salsa dancing, sushi, wizarding sports, and being mean
Dislikes: Chocolate, most people
Allergies: Corn

↬ Family
Father: Matthew Diedrick Berkovich (b. September 22, 2019)
Mother: Emilia Adali Berkovich (née Müller) (b. August 15, 2020)
• Adalie Iris Berkovich (b. December 1, 2050)
• Gabriele Agneta Berkovich (b. April 6, 2052) (d. August 30, 2077)
Niece: Liesl Jolina Berkovich (b. May 9, 2077); Holland Beilah Amis (b. June 13, 2085)
Nephew: Hamilton Exodus Amis (b. June 13, 2085)
Children: ---

Other SSRPG Characters
Maja Kowalski

Last edited by Sneakeh Cat; 08-19-2018 at 01:34 AM.
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