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"Yeah! Lets!" A drink was a GOOD idea. And Charlotte, of course, was all smiles right back at Dalton. When he smiled properly it was so nice. It was sort of like how they said yawns were contagious? So were proper smiles. So she was just going to walk around smiling until her face hurt, which wasn't very cool at all but that didn't matter because HELLOOOO DID EVERYONE SEE SHE WAS ON A DATE WITH A FIFTH YEAR? And he was probably the cutest one of all of them too! Sucks to be everyone else for not noticing first! He was HER date now!
And look there was a slow song on already, but not one good enough for a proper slow romantic dance, it was kind of depressing and Char preferred things to be a lot happier. But it could be a sign of things to come! He had agreed to the dancing after all but she was nice enough to let him get settled in and more relaxed first.... and maybe she should try and relax herself so that she wouldn't scare him off or anything?
.... nahhh!!!
She beamed at him and took his hand.
Because it was a date. Yup.
Charlotte was smiling and agreeing with him, thank goodness. With relief that he didn't have to dance just yet, his eyes searched for Kelly on stage. She looked excited and he didn't blame her. After all.
he'd turned up to watch her!
If only that were his actual thought process. He did, however, think that Charlotte's smile was very pretty, and he made a mental note to tell her that at a later date, when they were... Well, in a less crowded and intimidating location. As her hand found his, Dalton's smile faltered for a second before he squeezed a little and led her over to the refreshments table, thanking Merlin that she had enough confidence for the both of them.
It was almost annoying how popular Char was, though. So used to flying under the radar, having all these eyes on him was difficult to handle, and he kept his eyes downcast.
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"Hey, Sharky." When he got over to his cousin, he grinned good naturally at her, expecting hugs and all. "Who's your friend?" He said 'friend' because he wasn't going to just assumed this was a date or anything on that level. He was giving this the benefit of the doubt until he was being told otherwise. For the benefit of the other guy since, if this was a date, he'd mostly likely have words for him.
He also, actually, already knew of Dalton, having been in the same house as him AND him being friends with Kelly. That was all okay, and didn't warrant any proper introductions. Holding his cousin's hand at a concert did. [/COLOR]
Until he heard someone actually address her. Then he looked up at - whatshisface?
Bastien, wasn't it? Kelly's boyfriend, Sharkey's cousin. Didn't he move to Durmstrang? Or go back, or something?
What was going on?
He gulped slightly and offered the hand that wasn't holding Char's to the boy. "Dalton."