Thread: Back Alley
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Old 06-04-2016, 05:31 PM   #18 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Dante had just made a candy deal and well it went great. He just loved making money which was only just above his love of gossip. Popcorn was somewhere in between the two. But he could eat it while doing both so maybe that wins. He was only going in the back alley to count his money in peace because really who would be back here.

Apparently Third Years. Well, one that Dante recognized.

"Well Well Well why is Dora Umbridge in this back alley. Bored of Hogsmeade already?"

He was only teasing.

He did not really care and well its not like she is a first year. She could do what she wanted. As long as he wasn't involved.
Dora was both delighted and kind of MEH at the same time. Someone was invading her hiding spot. Which, in retrospect, wasn't that great of a hiding spot, was it? Heh. An alley didn't equal as great a spot as under a table or up a tree. Nope. She was going to have to do better next time.

"I think the better question is Why is Dante Barrington in the back alley? Nefarious reasons? Doing something illegal? Spill." He had her attention. Wide eyes were on him, she was turned to face him.

Really she was kind of bored and really wanted some juicy gossip. Dante wouldn't disappoint would he?
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