06-04-2016, 04:23 PM
#11 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2009 Location: London
Posts: 32,843
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alexander River Hirsch Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: --
x11 x11
| urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Text Cut: iFail iSORRY >_< Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie She was exactly one foot and 3 inches smaller thank you very much. And a whole six years younger too.
But none of that mattered because the Pony-Man was here! "You know my last name!?" Was he psychic or something? Haddie looked back at Sir Knight. "Is he a knight too?" Or maybe he was just the stable boy? Did they have adult stable boys? Why didn't he become a knight like the Dark Arts ninja did?
She wanted to ask these questions and more, despite her mind already filling in the answer to them, but the grown-ups were talking. And ALL grown-ups, knights or not, hated to be interrupted. So the girl waited her turn. That turn presented itself the second there was more than two seconds of silence. The seven year hopped in front of James, a big enthusiastic smile on her face and said. "Hi!" A gigantic dimpled smile that no adult with a heart could ever resist. Unless they knew her personally. "One pony please." Long pause. "Or unicorn."
Ponyponyponyponypony... Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack ….. She wanted to see what? ”I know every students name,” well sort of. In theory that’s where he was supposed to be at. There were a few he never got right, but let’s be real here. There were about five million of them and one of James. Numbers didn’t add up. He only knew the ones he needed to know. Denaker was unfortunately on the list because her name was one he said the most. Not in a good way.
James gave Roderik a strange look. One that was supposed to translate as something along the lines of ‘what are you two playing at here’ because was Haddie not capable of walking over to the barn and taking a look at the creatures herself? Why did it take an entire army of two tall, good looking Professors to lead the way? Furthermore, ponies and unicorns weren’t among the animals listed on their roster. Sorry bud, but can’t help. ”Sorry we don’t have either,” not sorry at all. One minute she was calling him names and the next she was begging for help? Ah, karma was a beautiful thing was it not?
And that’s when Roderik hit with his useless explanation of the situation. Dropping his own voice to an agitated whisper, James leaned closer toward the DADA Professor, ”…. What?”
He didn’t understand.
Perhaps it was because he had dismissed the child so early, not really paying close consideration to just how young she appeared before them. It wasn’t his fault though, James had learned early on that all Denaker wanted was attention. So of course he’d go out of his way to make sure he didn’t give her any extra. Which was probably not helping their situation at the moment…. Because if James had been paying attention… He’d have an actual grasp for what was going on here. 'You know my last name?!'
There it was. Those few words that were enough to make Roderik's heart stop. Eyes slightly wider than usual, he glanced between the Magical Creatures Professor and the girl who's taunted him just at the end of term feast last year. It put this Defence Professor in the very difficult situation of having to explain exactly what had happened to Haddie all the while making sure that she didn't overhear.
Again, this was not in the job description.
As for her question, Hirsch nodded. "Yes, he's a knight but he deals with creatures which is why he's the best man to go to for your pony." This was party for James' ego. You're welcome, Draper.
The man understood exactly what that look meant and tried to look as innocent at possible. Look at him, innocently pushing his glasses further up his nose and waiting for an answer. Nothing to see here.
And there was that negative answer. It wasn't disappointing to him but he couldn't help but glance over at the young girl. "Sorry, Haddie," he said, clapping her on the shoulder. Distraught small girls wasn't something he wanted to deal with, to be honest. Maybe they really should have gone to Nana first, where she could've gone shopping with the girl and he could've gotten himself some coffee.
If anyone could see James leaning closer to Hirsch, they would've probably had a field day. But as it was, there were no journalistic type people around so they were safe to whisper about Haddie, er, in front of Haddie herself. Really, James, why make this difficult? "She's not herself," he whispered back, "She seems to think that I'm a knight and she was in a cupboard when she found this place and that there's a cult being run in the dungeons." And just look at how baggy her clothes were on her.
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