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University WAS great in a lot of ways... but being there meant that she was away from her friends at Hogwarts. If only there was a way that she could see ALL her friends. That would make Lux really happy. As it was she enjoyed the moments that she got to spend with the people that she cared about. That's why Hogsmeade and holidays always made her really excited. "It is! Though I always miss you and Teddy and Bella." All her closest friends who were still at school. At least it was safer at university, which is what Hady had been getting at in the first place. Hopefully her friends would be safe. "Promise me that you will stay out of danger," she added, slightly worried. She didn't want anything happening to her Snakette Sis; even though she wasn't reckless something could happen to her.
It was no surprise that she had seen Adi. Lux herself saw him basically every day and he never ceased to tease her. Two of his favourite things to do is poke fun at her for eating a lot (which he did too) and harp on about Teddy's supposed crush on her. What a loon but she loved him very much all the same. "That's wonderful! I would love to meet them one day." She loved babies and was always excited over them. Teddy had told her that his Uncle Archer was going to be a father in a few months and she couldn't wait to meet the baby during the summer.
The smile was reassuring even though it wasn't a big one. Of course Hady wouldn't be TOTALLY fine, but at least she was doing okay. It would be better if she was completely happy, but she would get there. Lux was going to be there for her. "Well, you got me and we are going to have an awesome girls day!" Yep! They were going to have a blast. "I'm glad that you're okay and we can talk about it more if you want to." And if not... well, there would be lots of distractions!
"I miss you too!" And Adi and Benny and all the others that had went on to Uni and left her behind. Soon though she would be there too and she would know how it was.
"So far this term has been quiet, no danger at all." Unless heartbreak counted. Probably not but it hurt worse then anything else she had ever felt. Seeing the slightly worried look on Lux's face Hady offered up another hug.
"Don't worry I'm doing alright there, we all are." Even if Blaise was convinced that the Professors were poisoning the students.
Everyone knew how upset she had been, still was most of the time. Even when she was able to blaster a smile on her face it was the sadness in her eyes that always betrayed her. If it weren't for all her friends (everyone single one) Hady was sure she would've gone home by now. All of them together was the reason she was pulling herself together and slowly pushing forward through each and every long day.
"I can't wait!" Spending time with her big sis was always fun.
"I don't really know what else to say about it..."