Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN It always felt good to make a Professor smile, specially one who was known to be a bit grumpy-pants, or so they say. Specially by the one he sat next to. He gave the man a thumbs up at his response. At least that sounds like a go signal to give everybody a bath?? Just kidding..... 
But oh sweet Merlin! His first thought has been confirmed with such rounding jubilation with the sight and sound of--- "CRUPPIES!!!!!!!!!"
Stand up and form a line calmly? Sure. He didn’t say nothing about moving quickly. So there the Curly Top goes vaulting over the benches and practically gazelle-ing into line. Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme!
He finally got his hands full of the furry energetic furball. "Heyyyy---" boy? girl? Gonna get biological here ahem.. peeeek "--Boy! Hey boy! How you doin??" he greeted the crup so excited to be finally out of its pen its two tails were slapping together to a beat of just pure joy. "What your name bud?" he asked between licks of the happy crup. He has a collar that for sure.... But wheres the name tag?
And so it seems, its name tag went missing. "Awww, you got no nametag boy.... Which means I get to name yah! Yeah yeah??" beam beam beam.
The little crup paused for a moment as it angled its head, as if weighing if this was a good idea. But before it can agree or disagree he can feel himself flyiiiing..... Or at least that’s what it seemed to him at the speed that Tenacius move to find a nice tub station. |