Thread: Honeydukes
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Old 06-03-2016, 05:36 PM   #101 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Default Rula/Brig!


Dora and she had agreed to meet HERE at this PRECISE time. She thought the older girl was punctual! Or maybe Dora's watch was fast? It could happen.

While she waited, the blonde loosened her scarf, pulled off her hat, and smoothed down her hair. She could definitely occupy her time while she waited. Turning to make way through the aisles she let her eyes wander over the crowd of kids and sighed. She saw a few familiar faces (PHILLIP AND AVA), but she wasn't really friends with them anymore, was she? Not since Ava had so mean;y snubbed her over the summer. And Phillip clearly had no loyalty. But, she couldn't hold that against him since he wasn't a Gryffindor. HMPH.

But whatever. Dora flipped her hair over her shoulder as she made her way in the opposite direction and kept an eye out for Rula to come meet her. SHE was a friend. A REAL friend. Not like her housemates and most of the people in her year.
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